Meeting the doctor-Wren.

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Since everyone loves the British Doctor Wren, let's make an imagine outta of it!

"Oh shit, (Y/N)!" That's all I remembered before I blacked out.

I woke up, in a hospital room,. Dazed at what has happened, but then I remember clearly. A locked me and Hanna is the storm cellar as I tried to get out, I got gassed and scrapped my leg on something sharp. I raise up on my bed, then I see a doctor had noticed me, and came walking towards my room, what a cute fucking doctor.

"Hello, I'm Wren." Wren says as he opens up the door and I notice the accent that makes my body melt.
"(Y/N)." I say with a smile, even though i am enduring some awful pain right now.
"So do you want to tell me how this happened?" Wren asked as I look down and think of a lie, "well I was walking through the woods and I fell." I say, lying through my teeth.
"So you got gassed while you was in there as well?" Wren asks cheekily as I blush, "guess the woods is more dangerous then I thought." I simply say as he starts going through my chart.
"So, you have sleeping pills?" Wren asks as I nod in agreement.
"Okay, let me look at your hand." Wren asks as I show him my hand and grasps it. My cheeks turn red as he does, and he smiles.
"I need to change the bandages." He says as I look away.
"So.." I say, trying to make conversation.
"I know you are lying to me, (Y/N)." Wren states as I look at him and try to explain myself.
"Look, please don't tell my parents. I have enough stuff going on with them and I just-"
"I won't tell your parents but, you've got to do something for me." Wren sternly interrupts.
"Well, I am sure."
"Go on a date with me." Wren asks as I blush, "you know what, I might take you up on that offer." I smile as he finishes up my hand.
He begins to grab his stuff and before he walks out of the room, he looks back and says "By the way, I never knew you was lying, I just wanted to ask you out on a date." He grins as he walks out and I laugh to myself slightly.

Sorry if this is rushed and shit, I've legit just woke up and I need to go and get food shopping

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