Talking about baby names.- All.

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I hope you guys like this one!

Jason: You are six months pregnant with Jason's baby girl, you and jason haven't decided on a name yet, but you haven't had the time to ask him about it. You and Jason where having some bonding time, Jason had his head on your belly while you was playing with his hair.
"Wished you would come out already!" Jason says in baby voice as you giggle.
"Jason." You say as he sits up and looks at you.
"What do you want to call her?" You ask as Jason does his thinking look.
"I don't know, something cute like her mother?" Jason suggest as you give him a smile.
"I was thinking like Mia or Lucy?" You say as he looks up and his face brightens up.
"How about Lucia May?" He asks as you give him a big smile.
"Yes! Then her middle name could be Rose!" You giggle as he hugs your bump.
"Hurry up and come out Lucia May-Rose." Jason says as he kisses your bump.
This is just perfect.

Caleb: You had just found out that you was having a baby boy, and you wanted Caleb to name the baby. You and Caleb where hanging out with Aria and Spencer.
"So what are you going to call him?" Spencer asks as she passes Aria the ultrasound photo and she makes the 'awww' face which causes you to giggle.
"I don't know , I was thinking of more modern name." Caleb says as he puts his hand on your belly.
"Like what?" You ask as he shrugs which causes you all too laugh.
"I'll tell you what name I really like." Aria says as you and Caleb give her a questioning look.
"Kai." She says as you and Caleb look at each other with an approving look.
"I really like that." Caleb says as he kisses your belly then you.

Mike: You was 7 months pregnant with Mikes baby, you two decided that you didn't want to find out the sex until the baby was born. You and Mike had no idea what to call your prince or princess, you tried to talk to him about it, but he was always busy.
You decided to ask him before he went to work.
"Hey mike, what should we call the baby?" You ask.
"I was hoping you'd ask that!" Mike says happily as you give a confuse look.
"I was thinking about like Alilia or Masey. But if the baby is boy, like Mitchie or T.J!" Mike says even happier than before and you laugh.
"I have so many more babe." Mike says as he picks you up and spins you around, you giggle loudly.
"I can't believe in two months, I'm going to be a dad, to my little prince or princess." Mike says as he kisses you, you kiss back and giggle onto his lips.

Hope you like this guys!

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