{ Chapter 31}

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3 months later


So much has changed in the last 3 months I've been doing really well as for me and Kevin we are still working on our marriage he recently got custody of Jr and he's back home. As for Drew and Tori, Tori gave full custody to Kevin and went to go check herself into rehab, Drew got him a new girl of course I'm not surprised.

"Dymond don't forget we have to appointment today for 3."

"Okay are you bringing Jr to school or am I?"

"I'll do it I gotta head that way for work anyways."

He went back upstairs to get ready for work I don't know what kind of Job this man got but he brings home a lot of money every day putting it in this safe.  I told him I was pregnant with Drew's baby he was upset at first but he understood. Drew will be sending me money for the baby and Tori lost her oh so sad (😏) I didn't do anything I'm a good girl. ( I drove the bitch crazy like she did me)

"Jr!" I yelled from the kitchen.

"Ma'am?" He so respectful nothing like his mother.

"Ask daddy for $40 for me please and I made your lunch."

"Okay and thank you." He said grabbing his lunch and backpack.

I was just eating grapes and my phone was ringing it was my mom, I'll call her back.

"Babe, why did you ask him to ask me for money."

"Because you was upstairs and I'm downstairs."

"And we have phones, oh I gotta get Jr iPod today but here." He gave me the money and kissed me.

"Have a good day at work baby, have a good day at school Jr."

"You too." They both said and left leaving me home by my lonesome. I might just go walk on the beach and get my feet done while I'm by myself. I'm happy that Kevin and I are getting back to the way we were.

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