{Chapter 28}

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I was getting a drink at my regular bar when this guy came over and order whiskey I looked over and it was Drew.

"You fucking my wife?" I asked straight up not wasting no time on this nigga

"Ain't you fucking yo baby momma? Ight my G don't come at me with the bullshit about Dymond and I." He said drinking his drink.

"So you is fucking my wife." He stayed quiet looking at me "nah I ain't and if I was she'll be having my 2nd kid by now."

I got up from the bar stool and so did he.

"Stay away from my wife."

"I don't think I can do that she needs to be around someone like me and not you."

"What happened in Atlanta?" I asked he looked at me laughing

"Nothing dawg we was just coolin, I could really taken yo wife."

I punched him in the face and we started fighting in the bar. These guys pulled me off him.

"You got that one my G believe dat but watch your back." He wiped his nose and walked out the bar. 

I walked out the bar to my car I got in and went home once I got home Dymond was just pulling in the driveway. She got out she looked mad as fuck.

"Are you okay?"

"Im going to murder your baby momma I really am."

"Was you pregnant for Drew?"

She had a blank face, I unlocked the door and we went in.

"It was before we met but he died at birth so I really didn't get to hold him or anything I just don't talk about. If he was alive he'll be turning 8 years old."

"Would you still be with Drew if he were?"

"Would you still be with Tori if you found out she was pregnant?"

"You was right Dymond?"

"I know I was.... We should just take a break from each other."

"We're hurting each other instead of helping each other."

"And hows that Kevin?"

"We need to finish our counseling session."

"We should.... After you get Tori the dog on a  leash where she belong."

"Come on now Dymond she's the mother of my son."

"Respect goes both ways."

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