{Chapter 26}

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1 week later


I haven't been home in a week I've been at Drew house I kind of regret sleeping with Drew but I'm not going to lie that was the best sex ever. Kevin is good in bed and amazing in bed when it's makeup sex ect but Drew, Drew oh my gosh. I got out of the bed and went to the restroom to shower, I turned on the water as I waited for the water to get hot I did my hygiene and threw my hair in a bun. I took off my clothes and got in the shower.


I'm starting to miss Dymond again she hasn't been home in a week and I really miss her I recently got fired from my job and I'm currently looking for  a new job before Dymond finds out I got fired. I haven't heard from Tori all week thank goodness for that. I just want my wife to come home.

I was getting ready to meet my mom and dad for breakfast I took a shower after my shower I did my hygiene and got dressed.


I just got home I walked in the house and Kevin was walking downstairs.

"Hey babe I miss you." He said walking over to me kissing my cheek

"I missed you to." I said he looked at me and was about to say something but stopped.

"You mess like cologne." Fuck

"I was by auntie and I hugged my brother Jace." I said

"Something seems different and off about you Dymond!"

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