«Chapter 5»

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I can't believe what just happened. She came to MY house to start up some drama. I'm pregnant damnit, I don't need to have another miscarriage the first one was tragic. This was when me and Kevin had a big argument about his drinking problem and his job. I told him and he was a upset. He kept blaming himself for it but it was his fault.

"I want to know everything"my mom said. She sat down on the bed Indian style. My mom was like my older sister.

"Well, it all started when Kevin went for his regular morning jog. She came to our house momma and wanted to come in so Kevin can see the little boy I never been so mad momma she came to my home I don't know how she got the address" I said playing with my hands it a habit of mine. "Then the little boy look like Kevin just like him face is just like Kevin's."

"But is he for Kevin"my mom said.

"I don't know momma, Tori said asked can you come see your son and he said yeah after a DNA test Tori now get out my house"I said mimicking the conversation they had.

"Well that explains it"my mom got up from my bed. "You should get some rest and cool down"my mom kissed my forehead.

"Night momma"I said. She close the door making the room dark. I sigh and laid on my side rubbing my stomach. Damn I can't wait till this baby comes out.

"Night little baby"I mumble smiling.


Kevin was my best boyfriend in the world till that bitch came into the picture. She took him away from me. He said that I'm crazy but I'm not. I just want Kevin jr to know who his father is which he does but I also want to him to know that his father was a good man and Kevin is a good man. Sometimes.

"Tori, you took your medicine? "my friend ask me. I'm tired of this bitch asking me did I took a dumbass medicine.

"Yes, I took the damn medicine"I said rolling my eyes.

"Tori I'm just trying to keep you alive not dead"she said.

"I'm not gone die, I'm not crazy damnit"I walk to the kitchen. I need some water. I poured some in the cup sighing at how she keep coming for me. Next time it's gone be me and her fighting.

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