«Chapter 20»

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I walk in the house looking at the walls to see if anything change. The smell change. I use to have plug-in in the wall to make it smell good in here. "Kevin!"I yelled his name.

I look up the stairs seeing Jr, his son. "Hi jr. Where is your daddy?"I ask.

"He in the room sleep"jr said. I nod my head walking up the stairs. I took my shoes off looking at Kevin sleeping peacefully. I miss this big head.

"Babe"I whisper lowly.

"Huh"I heard him mumble out a word.

"I'm home"I said crawling on the bed.

"Where the hell you been? You left me here all by myself"he said.

"Babe, you have Jr here"I said.

"Jr ain't here"Kevin raised up.

"Yes he is cause I just talk to him"I look back at the door seeing Jr standing there.

"Jr, Who drop you off here?"Kevin ask.

"My mommy, she said that you said it will be okay for me and her to stay here"what?

"What is he talking about?"I look at Kevin.

"Jr. Where is your mom?"Kevin ask. The entire time I was looking at Kevin with a mean mug.

"She left to store to make me some chicken noodle soup"he said.

Kevin sigh loudly shaking his head. "That bitch"he put his face into his palm.

"Get rid of her. Or I would"I stood up and walk away from him. I walk out the room going to our kitchen. But something stop me. I turn to the wall seeing pictures of me and Kevin are gone. And a picture of Jr and her was on the wall. Then one made me mad.

There was a picture of her and Kevin kissing at the beach. Now she's pissing me off.

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