«Chapter 10»

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I was speechless for what Kevin did. He push me. Did he lost his mind, im pregnant with his baby. I was just sitting in bed shaking my head at what he did. I'ma just let him cool off. But I was wrong for what I did. I should of never talk to drew or kissed him.

I made my way to the bathroom so I can clean myself up. I look at myself in the mirror seeing that my hair was all made up nice and neat for Kevin. I really love that man, but what he done to me.

"God help us"I said. My phone started ringing on the charger. I walk to the phone and answer it.

"Hello"- me

"Hi Mrs. Egypt, your appointment with your husband is today"- Mr. Panapinto

"Oh god, I forgot about that. Can we reschedule it for another time"- me

"Yes ma'am, but tell me how are y'all now"-Mr. Panapinto

"Fine"- me

"Okay, well I see y'all on the 10th. Is that fine"- Mr. Panapinto

"Sure"- me

"Okay, bye bye"

I hung up the phone and sigh. "Why you reschedule it?"I heard Kevin behind me.

"Cause I wanted to"I said.

"You didn't even ask me!"Kevin yelled.

"Kevin please, stop the yelling. Think about the baby"I said rubbing my stomach. Kevin put his hands on his hips.

"I'm going by Korey house"he walk in the bathroom slamming the door. What the hell is wrong with him?

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