~Chapter 6~

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I woke up with Jason, cuddling me. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but nothing worked.  I tried tickling him but of course he's not ticklish. I tried poking him, but he didn't do anything. So my best plan yet was to scream, but then I thought about it and better not. "Jason," I whispered. No answer. "Jason," I said. No answer. I sighed. I grabbed his hands and tried to peel his hands off me. Then the door opened. I looked at Aydan, Jace, Chase and Austin who were staring at me. "Help me," I whispered shout. They smirked. Then all four of them lunged at us. "AHHHH!" I screamed as they landed on Jason and me. "You assholes," Jason said. Than again I am glad that he moved his hands away. I quickly got up. "Thanks," I said. I turned around to see Jason staring at me. "Uhhhh, can I help you," I asked. "You should really try not to move when people are asleep, it's very rude," he said smirking at me. "You knew I was trying to get out of your grip?!" I whispered shout. "What you were," he said innocently. I groaned and I moved my hair back with my hands. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. "What time is it," I asked Jason. "5:56" he replied. "Shit," I said. I ran around the room trying to look for some work out clothes, when I found them I ran around looking for my shoes. "Found them," I said. "Bye Jason," I said running out of the room. Then someone caught my wrist. "Jason, I need to go downstairs before some people eat me alive," I said. He truned me around and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. "If I don't see you in the next 7 hours, I'm gonna assume that one you're either dead, or two: you can't walk," Jason said. "Just cuz I'm a girl doesn't mean I don't have strength, or I don't work out," I said. He chuckled and let go of me. I ran out of the room and down the hallway, I jumped down the stairs and into the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and put it in my mouth. I ran downstairs with my shoes still in my hands. I saw the guys standing there on their phones. I sighed. I put my shoes on and bit my apple. I put my hair in a pony tail, and threw away the core of the apple. I walked out and saw the boys staring at me. I put my hands up. "What," I said. "You're late by like 10 minutes," Jace said. "No, I got here about 10 minutes ago when you were all on your phones," I said. "Oh, never mind then," Chase said. I laughed. "Okay, were gonna start with the basics first okay?" Austin said. I nodded. "Ho wlong can you hold teh plank for," Jace asked. "I don't know, I don't do the plank for fun," I said. "Well, were about to find out," Jace said. "Oh boy," I muttered. "Get down on your hands and knees," Jace said. "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" Aydan, Chase and Austin said. I laughed. I lied down on my stomach. "Tell me when you're ready," Jace said. "Okay, I'm ready," I said. "Start," he said. I lifted myself off the ground. 35 minutes later I was still up, but I was shaking. "Uggggg," I said. I dropped down, and rolled onto my back. "Hey you almost beat Jason's score," Aydan said. "And that's a good thing right," I asked. "HELL YA!" Austin said. I got off the floor and shook out my leg. "Let's go upstairs, we need to go to the shooting range," Aydan said heading upstairs. "Shooting?!" I said. "Yes, as in guns," Jace said. "Well, no shit," I said. "You're one bad ass girl," Chase said. "What gave that away," I asked. They all laughed. I got into the car and 5 minutes later we were at a shooting range. I got out and followed the guys. "Okay, here is a warning guys, anyone kills me, I will haunt you when you guys are asleep," I said. "Don't worry we won't do that, you might haunt us, and so will Jason, and we don't want that happening," Austin said. I nodded. Chase threw a gun at me. "JESUS! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME ALREADY!" I yelled at him. "Calm down girl," he said laughing. "Did you just assume my gender," I asked him. "Maybe," he said. "Okay, here are the basic, pull the trigger when ready to shoot," Austin said. "Oh wow," I said sarcastically. "Just don't aim it at us," he said. "I have great aim excuse me," I said hurt. "Yeah we will be the judge of that," he said. "Okay you see that dummy over there," he said. "I don't think it's over there, I think it's standing beside me," I said. Aydan, Jace and Chase alll OHHH'ED. I laughed. "Anyway aim for it, I don't expect you to hit it on your first try cuz none of us did, but a least try," Austin said. "Please, you doubte my too much," I said. I aimed at the dummy and I pulled the trigger. I lowered teh gun and I looked at the dummy, in between the eyes. I looked at the boys reaction. "Well, we don't need to work on shooting as we can see," Chase said. I laughed and we headed back to the car.

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