twenty-six: abduct

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[Moon Haru]

I entered the 3H house, we just called it the 3H House since Haegi, Hoseok, and Haru are living here, and found that Haegi and Hoseok are eating breakfast.

“Daddy, pass me the-HOLY MOTHER OF PANCAKES WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ON YOUR NECK, MOON HARU?” Haegi jolted out of her seat, and then rushed towards me, taking a grip on my shoulders, then adjusted my collar, exposing my neck.

Hoseok turned back, still sitting on the chair. When he saw me, his eyes widened a bit and then he held out a laughter, “Damn, I didn't know that Jungkook could do those.”

Haegi turned to Hoseok for a second, then she faced me, “Jeon Jungkook?” She asked, shocked, “Did you lose your v-” “I didn't.”I laughed, “Don't exaggerate, I'm conpletely fine. It's not like everyday that you are being targeted by hitmen.” I shrugged and went to sit beside Haegi's chair. Haegi went back on sitting on her chair and they resumed on eating.

I placed pancakes on my plate, and poured maple syrup on them as I started to eat.

“Oh yeah, Hoseok informed me about this hitmen thingy.”Haegi said, “So what happens then? Your life is in danger, you shouldn't go out of the house.” I shook my head, “I'm the target, so I'll be the best bait for them to get caught by Jungkook... That's why I should go to work today so that it may seem like a normal day.” I cut a piece off a pancake and placed it in my mouth.

“Make sure that you don't die while doing this, alright?”Haegi said, concerned. I nodded, laughing, “Of course.”

I leaned my back on my seat, reading the report that Yoonjae just gave me. I was holding a white folder with a few papers with pictures of terrifying-looking men, whom they suspect is the criminal who killed the vice president. Each criminal has a raven-black hair and the same body structure as Jungkook's and I'm hoping that I'll not find his face in this list....

...Even though I already know that he's the real criminal, and not these men.

“There are still not enough evidences that proves one of these people as the criminal.”Yoonjae sighed, as I flipped a page, reading another profile of a criminal.

A man with raven black hair, pale complexion, and is about in his late twenties is looking at the camera with a blank look on his face.  I read his profile;

Name: Oh Dongtae.
Age: 26 and a half years old
Occupation: Unknown


He is a suspect of the murder of his mother and father, along with his two younger brothers at the age of 20. He was detained, but he escaped prison two months later, and was never found.

❝ bad things ❞ .jjkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt