twenty-four: busted

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[Jeon Jungkook]

We checked in a hotel in Incheon, and by the time we arrived in our room, I immediately crashed on the white-covered bed, exhausted from what happened today.

“So how long are we gonna keep hiding from them? Hey, Jungkook. I still have a job as a police officer. More specifically, I'm the Chief Inspector. I cannot just disappear like that.”Haru says, leaning her back against the wall. I sighed, “If you want to get assassinated, then go back to Seoul.”

I slightly opened my eyes, observing a really stressed looking Moon Haru that just crashed on the bed beside me, making the soft matress bounce a few times.

“Did everyone know?”I asked Haru. She scrunched her eyebrows, “Know what?” “What I did..”I said, and Haru nodded, “But it's just your friends... I've heard about the criminal all over the news and they're describing your features.. They just don't know your actual face and name, though..”She said, which made me face up on the ceiling.

“So if I get caught, I'll spend my whole life in jail.”I said. Haru sighed, “That's basically it. But... I can shorten your sentence...I'll act as a witness... If I only know the reason why you agreed on being a hitman, then I can make up stories and stuff.”

“You can't help me out. That's illegal.”I said, looking at Haru, my eyebrows meeting together. Haru snorted, “Says the one who doesn't do illegal things. ”

I let out a chuckle, “But I thought that you don't like doing bad things.” “You make me do bad things. You're such a bad influence.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Is that even a question? I thought we talked about it earlier at the car.”

“Yeah right.”

Silence followed after that. Soon enough, Haru broke it up, “Why did you become a hitman?”

If I tell her the real reason why I ended up being one of Mr. Song's hitmen, that I was a hitman from the Kims long ago and I was the one who killed her father, Haru will never forgive me. She wouln't even think about forgiving me.

While I was edging closer towards her, I can feel my pacing heart inside my ribcage. I leaned my forehead on hers, as I brushed the tip of my nose against hers. Haru was closing her eyes, edging her face towards mine, I just let out a smile,

“I'll tell you next time.”

I said, and I sat up. Haru remained lying on the bed. I noticed the disappointment  in her mood that made me chuckle, “Come on. I know you're hungry. Let's get some food at the hotel restaurant or do you want fastfood?” “Fastfood sounds good.” Haru said, and I nodded, “Fastfood, it is.”

I just dipped a french fry in the ketchup, and stirring the ketchup with the fry for a while... Such simple thing amused me, so I keot on stirring the fry in the ketchup. Haru flicked my forehead, which made me scowl, “Ow!” I placed the french fry in my mouth and then rubbed my head, “What was that?”

“Don't play with the food.”Haru scolded like a mother. I laughed, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever, mom.” “I'm serious.”Haru said, and I just raised an eyebrow at her. Haru was looking at me, dead serious. I gulped, and looked down as I resumed on eating, “Sorry, ma'am.”

“I'm just attached with food.”Haru informed, which made me laugh. “What's so funny?” Haru asked, and I bit my lower lip as I shook my head, “Nothing.”

Haru took a huge bite on the burger, “So we're just gonna stay at that hotel until it all ends?” I shook my head, “Of course not.”I said, “Since you're with me, I'm gonna need your help.”

“With what?”she asked, sipping on soda. “Eliminate Mr. Song.”I said, and then Haru choked on what she's drinking, “What?” “You'll not get your hands dirty, just... Use that title of yours...” I said, eating a chicken nugget. “Yeah, my hands wouldn't get dirty.. But my name will be.”She said, and I shook my head, “I have a plan.”

Haru leaned on the chair, looking at me and then took a bite off her burger, “What plan?” “You know Justin, right?”I asked, and Haru nodded, “Your half brother?” “Yeah. He'll replace Mr. Song.”I said, and Haru just nodded, “He knows where you are?”

“He does. He's keeping it as a secret, though. He's the one who told me that Mr. Song's next target is you.” I said, and Haru's lip quivered, “So all you have to do is to... eliminate the president's assistant?” She asked. I nodded, “We'll be doing that tomorrow.”

Haru just looked at me, an eyebrow raised. She looks like she's disagreeing with my plan. I pursed my lips while looking at her, and blinked a few times. Haru groaned, “Ah, don't give me that look.”She says, facing away for a bit, but her eyes are looking at me. So I just kept on staring at her like that. “Just... Stop-” she says, but I cut her off with a “Please?”

She sighed, “Okay, fine.” I smiled, “Nice.”

Haru was silent for a while, then she spoke up, “Are you really sure that you can trust Justin?” I nodded, “Although he did unforgivable things in the past, he needs my help on replacing the president's assistant. If he betrays me, I also got evidences to expose him. We're 50-50 here.”

Since we are sitting beside the glass window, I saw on the corner of my eye that there was someone very familiar outside the restaurant, which made me shift on my seat.

“What time tomorrow?”Haru asked, and I stood up, “About in the afternoon. For now, let us hurry back to the hotel, or else Yoongi-hyung will catch us here.” I grabbed Haru's hand as we went out through the opposite entrance of the restaurant, just before Yoongi entered the place.

“He's here?”Haru asked, turning back. I made her face front, “Yeah. Just don't make it too obvious. Don't look back.” I wore my hoodie, and I wrapped my arms around Haru's shoulders, pulling her close beside me and made her head rest on my shoulder to avoid any suspicion if ever Yoongi looks at this direction.

We crossed the street, and then walked a few more blocks until we reached the hotel. The receptionist greeted us as we entered, and I just gave her a slight smile as Haru and I entered the elevator.

I heaved out a sigh of relief, but then Haru's eyes widened and I wondered why. When I looked at one of the passengers inside the elevator, I held my breath.

Kim Yeoleum.

She didn't seemed to notice us, though. Luckily, Haru and I are standing behind her, and the elevator is full, so she can't turn back. Yeoleum was busy texting on her phone, probably informing everyone where her location is and she'll inform them if they found me.

Yeoleum went out of the elevator on the second floor. I let out a huge breath that I never realized I was holding.

When the elevator doors closed, the lift went up to the next floor, so the passengers decreased bit by bit. Our room is at the 15th floor, so we have to stand there for a little longer until we reached the 15th floor.

As Haru and I went out of the elevator, there was someone waiting for us outside the lift. Both of us stopped on our tracks as we looked at the person looking at us, his arms crossed over his blue police uniform.

“N-Namjoon-hyung.”I blurted out. Namjoon pursed hus lips, and sighed, “You've got to explain a lot to us, Jungkook.”


i'm actually trying to finish this as soon as possible but I feel that this is really crappy but whatever lol

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