two: smack

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[[Jeon Jungkook]]

It all started when she freaking puked on my uniform.

That statement really did sound like a love story kind of drama that my sister always forces me to watch with her when her boyfriend is not around.

But is this really what you call a love story?

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I am Jeon Jungkook. Twenty-seven years of age. I am someone who is very secretive, and I don't really talk about nonsense things. Eight years ago, I was very dark and gloomy, but somehow, I finally opened up to my peers, and my step-sister. Yep. I have a step-sister. Her name is Jeon Cheonkook, and she used to live in Daegu. She's one year older than me. Her mom died, so dad and mom brought her in.

Unfortunately, my parents were murdered by syndicates. They got caught eight years ago, though. My sister and I lived separately then. But somehow, we found each other eight years ago... But right now, she lives with her boyfriend, which is also my best can say that....

You can say that a lot happened to me in a span of eight years.

As for my job, I worked part-time in a café that was ran by my friend Jimin and his fiancé, Yeoleum. (I do not even know why do I tell you their names. But I think that you need to know, dear reader.)

I used to be in a group of syndicates, along with Jimin's fiancé, Yeoleum, and my sister's boyfriend, Taehyung. We have other friends who were ex-hitmen too. We were pretty much too close to each other, and the one who was ordering us is Mr. Kim, Namjoon's dad. Namjoon was one of us too. But now, he's serving in the police department. It's a very long story that I do not want to explain further, but I'd rather say it as brief as possible;

We used to work under Mr. Kim. He's a syndicate and he's also a businessman. He orders us to kill people that he thinks are troubling his business through his son, Kim Eunjoon, Kim Namjoon's twin brother. Why do we obey? Because he threatens to kill our loved ones if we don't obey. He's the one who killed our parents in the first place. Eight years ago, he and his wife got caught, and they were sent to jail. But we weren't. It's a long story, but we, Mr. Kim's hitmen, were proven innocent because of the lack of evidences that we killed somebody.

Is it confusing, or troublesome? Well I am sorry but I just tried to explain my troublesome background story for you to understand my character even more.

...I don't know why does the author of my story made my life like this... She must really like those anime-like backstories. I don't know with that kid, I think she's already addicted to it, and she makes our lives miserable as she just casually writes about other people's lives and ending them miserably.

Anyway, let us not divert our attention towards that.

All of my friends that used to work with me as hitmen are now living in peaceful lives, and they weren't ordered to kill by some syndicate that is threatening their lives anymore....Taehyung is now a newswriter, Namjoon is now doing his job as a high-ranked police officer and also a businessman, Yoongi is managing a bar just a few blocks away from Yeoleum and Jimin's coffee shop branch, Yeoleum manages the coffee shop that I'm working on, and Hoseok is currently a sucessful dance instructor.

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