ten: jjajjangmyeon

397 16 16

[Moon Haru]

“Where the fuck were you last night?”

My housemate, slash, bestfriend, named Seo Haegi asked me, not even glancing at my direction, as she stuffed potato chips in her mouth while watching Mob Psycho 100 on her laptop.

“Just out there.”I sighed tiredly, threw my bags on the couch, and crashed on the couch where Haegi was sitting on. I got some potato chips from her bag and consumed it, licking the grease off my fingers, “Where's Hoseok?” I asked. Hoseok is her boyfriend, by the way. The three of us live together in this house, (in which Haegi originally owned), and I'm pretty much the third wheel every time.

But I got used with it, though.

“Out with his friends.”Haegi shrugged, “He'll just come back here later or something.” she says, her eyes not leaving her laptop monitor.

“You don't seem to worry much if he goes out this late at night.”I said, “What if he cheats on you with some other girl?” “He can't do that. You know that, Haru. He doesn't want to see me going berserk.”Haegi said, “And besides, I shouldn't put a leash around his neck and tell him to stay because he's not my dog. He has a life too, so let him live that.” Haegi laughs, as she stuffed another potato chip in her mouth.

“Anyway, where did you sleep last night? Was the guy hot?”Haegi asked, raising an eyebrow at me. My face starts to heat up, “W-What?” “Oh, come on.”Haegi rolled her eyes, “Let me guess... You got drunk, but you left your things in your car, and you're too wasted to come home. You ended up waking up on some stranger's bed, wondering if you fucked someone last night.... Am I right?”

“Wait, how did you know that?”I asked. “Because I'm Haegi. Is there any more explanations?”Haegi shrugged.

Haegi is kind of peculiar, like she's some sort of psychic, or clairvoyant, or something. But actually, it's just that she knows how to read people really well, especially the people whom she lives with, cough, Hoseok and me, cough. I tend to get drunk and wasted all the time, but never did I ended up waking up in someone's bed after that. Haegi should've just guessed that, since I wasn't able to come home and collapse at the doorstep last night.

I laughed, “You're right, though. But the thing is, he's a good guy. He's pretty innocent. He called his sister just to change my clothes because he doesn't want to be called as a pervert for undressing a drunk girl that he just met.” “Ooohh,”Haegi cooed,“What's his name?” “Jungkook,”I said, and then Haegi choked on a potato chip.

My eyebrows knitted together, “What?” “Water.”Haegi croaked between those coughs, so I rushed to the kitchen and fetched her a glass of water.

Why, what's with Jungkook?

As she was halfway through the drink, she looked at me, “Jeon Jungkook? As in the kid that works in the Yeolmin cafe?” I nodded, “Yeah, why?” Haegi spewed water. “Why? What's wrong?” I asked. Haegi wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her black oversized sweater, in which I'm guessing that originally belonged to Hoseok, “He's Hoseok's friend. He calls me babygirl, he hits on girls in his free time, and I think the only girl he hasn't hit on is that part timer in the cafe called Ariya.”Haegi says, in which made my jaw drop.

“Why is he calling you babygirl?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Haegi shrugged, “dunno with him.”

“....so he's a fuckboy, then?”I asked, and Haegi just laughed, shaking her head, “No, he just likes to mess around. He's actually never been in a relationship, and is constantly bitter when he sees couples.” she said, and then she looked like she just realized something, “Oh! Just like you!”

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