three: bring her home

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[[Jeon Jungkook]]

I stayed like that for a few moments with my eyes wide, because I'm basically hugging a girl that I do not know, and I don't know why am I freaking out and why does my heart beat so fast because I am finally hugging a girl.....I repeat, a girl... And she just kissed me.

And also, the stench of the vomit around me made me want to puke too, but fortunately I didn't. I took a deep breath, "Okay, you lucky girl. You're in good hands..."I mumbled, placed one arm of mine under the back of her knees, another behind her neck, then I picked her up, and placed her on the couch, in which she lay down quietly, and completely unaware of her surroundings.

I smelled really bad, and I wasn't able to bring extra clothes. I am such an idiot for not bringing extra clothes, which made me slap my forehead, "You idiot.", I told myself, so I just went to the restroom, and soaked the vomited area of my uniform with water, squished the water out of the cloth, leaving my clothes damp and crumpled. I got a mop, and cleaned the floor again, in which I found really troublesome, but whatever, I managed to deal with it.

When everything is finally clean, and I already returned the mop into the cleaning room, I went to this stranger, and crouched down, so that my face leveled hers. She looked familiar, like I saw her on TV or something... Is she a celebrity?

The shop is about to close, and I do not even know this girl's name, or even her address... I checked her pockets, and I found nothing, but car keys, her hand phone, and some money... She doesn't even have an ID or something... And her phone is locked with a password.

"Ah, what am I going to do with you?" I asked her, and obviously, I know that she will never respond. Should I bring her home? Is it okay for her? Well it should be, because I have no intention on doing something illegal to her. So I carried her on my arms again, and closed the shop..

I opened my car, and placed her at the middle seat. I went to the driver's seat, started the engine, and drove towards my condo unit. As I was driving, I kept on looking at the girl through the mirror, and I don't know what she really is. As soon as I parked the car, I went out, carried the girl on my arms again, and entered the condominium. With a passed out girl on my arms, people were giving us looks, but I didn't care much. I went inside the elevator, pushed the 15th floor button, and I waited.

I looked at the girl again, and her face looks really peaceful and somehow, I found her kind of......


I cringed at that thought of mine, and then the elevator door opened. I'm already on the 15th floor of the building, so I went out of the elevator and went to my unit. I turned the lights on, still carrying this mysterious girl. I heaved a huge sigh, as I proceeded to my bedroom and let her lie down on my bed. She literally smelled like her own vomit, and her clothes were stained like that too. And of course, I do not know what to do.

But I think that I should somehow, clean her up.... Hey, I do not want my sheets to smell like vomit.... So I got a damp towel, and awkwardly wiped her neck, arms, and face. But still, her clothes looked really dirty, even though it's black. What the hell should I do? I cannot just remove a stranger's clothes, and moreover, she's a girl...

I got my phone, and dialed my sister's number. Immediately, she picked it up, "What is it again, Kook?"

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