sixteen: shoot

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[Jeon Jungkook]

Zach and I went up to the rooftop of the building, while I was carrying the sniper. I positioned the gun at the edge of the building, as I aimed at something near the entrance of the Blue House. The Justice Secretary's car still hadn't arrived at the Blue House, so I just waited there, my other eye closed while the other eye on the scope of the sniper.

“Are you sure that you're gonna hit the bullseye?”Zach asked jokingly, and I laughed, “To be frank, I don't even know. I'm not good at long range killings. It's hitgirl's specialty.” Zach became silent when I mentioned hitgirl. I looked back at him, “Something happened?”I asked him, and Zach just bit his lower lip, “She killed my family.”

I was silent for a while. Yeoleum did kill a lot of people back then. If I killed about sixty, she killed over a hundred.
And Zach's family is one of them.

I went back to focus on the sniper, “Yesterday is history. Hitgirl can't even kill a cat these days. Especially with her fiancé around.” “I know. I've been keeping an eye on her everyti-” Zach says, but I immediately grabbed his collar, lifting him off the ground, “You--- what?” I said, my teeth gritted, my eyes shooting daggers at him.

Zach looked at me bitterly, “If someone killed your family, how would you feel?” He spewed out, and I immediately remembered my parents' dead, and bloody bodies in front of me twenty years ago.

“She didn't mean to.”I said, placing him down. “Yeah, but she still killed them.” Zach said, “An eye for an eye. I'll do the same to her fiancé and her upcoming child.”

My eyes widened, “Yeoleum's pregnant?” I didn't mean to say it out loud, but that made Zach chuckle, “You don't know? Oh what a pity.” He looked at the Blue House at the distance, “Let's chit-chat about hitgirl later. Mr. Song would kill us if we miss the target.”

I went back to the sniper, positioning my other eye back on the scope of the sniper, aiming at the target's car. The justice secretary's car followed after the president's car. When both cars halted in front of the Blue House, both the president and the Justice Secretart went out of their cars at the same time.

So I have to shoot the President in the arm first, then the Justice Secretary on the head.

I heaved out a deep breath, as I focused on the president's arm as he shook a person's hand, and the media are crowding him. The Justice Secretary just stood beside the president, as cameras are flashing at them. There is a flat metal surface near them, so I could just shoot at that after I shoot the president.

After a countdown from three, I pulled the trigger, and I hit the President's arm. Before people reacted, I immediately shot the metal near him, and then the bullet ricocheted towards the Justice Secretary's head, making it explode in the impact of the bullet.

People panicked, SWATs aimed their guns at nowhere, searching for the shooter, and I immediately ducked, hiding myself.

Zach sat beside me, as he was clapping, “Good job, Jungkoo-”I immediately placed my wrist on his neck and activated the blade that is hidden underneath my sleeve, slitting his throat quickly.

Zach's eyes widened as he looked at me, blood gushed out of his throat and he coughed out blood,“Y-You-” “I'm sorry, Zach. I know how you feel.”I said, pulling out a pistol from my handgun holster that was hung around my waist and pointed it at Zach's forehead,“But you were a witness. Hitgirl spared your life, because you are innocent. But our rule before as Kims' hitmen is that we should eliminate witnesses before they spread a word. No mercy.”

“I'm sorry.”I said, and then I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

Zach's body collapsed on the ground, his eyes still wide. I sighed, and placed my hand on his eyes, making them close.

After a few moments, someone clapped, entering the rooftop. I looked at Mr. Song, his face is still lifted up with that mischievous grin as he applauded me out of nowhere.

“Well... The plan went on very well... Excellent job,  Jeon Jungkook. You have earned 100,000,000,000.” Mr. Song says as he patted my shoulder,“Expect a lot of big time requests from you. You can be one of our agents.”

“When will this end?"I asked nonchalantly. Mr. Song just chuckled, “Time will come.” “When is that?”I asked impatiently. “If we confirmed that the Vice President is trying to assassinate the President, then that would be your final task.” Mr. Song says, and I nodded.

“Hey, Jeon Jungkook.”Yeoleum crossed her arms on her chest, and I tensed as her usual death glare pierced right through me. “W-What?”I asked.

“You're one hour late.”She says, examining me. Ariya was standing behind her, her hands pretending to slit her neck, telling me that "You're so dead, JuanCock"

Yeoleum examined me, as if I was some new sort of specie or something. I know that Yeoleum is very keen, so I get the feeling that she might know about my other job.

“Messy hair.”She says, motioning towards my head, “You just woke up, right?” “Y-Yeah.”I said, nodding. Yeoleum sighed, “Next time don't oversleep. Ariya and I were fully packed earlier. I almost got stressed, and my baby-”she cut herself off, “I mean.. Yeah. I got stressed. Don't be late next time.” Yeoleum said, and I nodded.

She left and went directly towards the washroom. I heaved out a huge sigh, as I went to my usual spot in the counter. Ariya was cleaning some jars beside me, “Hey, I think she's pregnant.”

“Why?”I asked, “Well.. She's been vomiting since earlier, and her morning sickness just made her condition worse...If I'm not mistaken, then that is one of the factors considering a woman is actually pregnant.”Ariya shrugged, as she kept on cleaning the glass jar.

“Well congratulations to them, then.” I laughed, referring to Jimin and Yeoleum, and Ariya just laughed with me, “Their hard work is finally paying off... If you know what I mean...” “Of course I do.” I laughed.

“I can hear you two.”Yeoleum suddenly appeared behind our backs, making Ariya and I flinch. 

“Just don't tell Jimin about it yet, I'll give him a surprise later.”Yeoleum smirked as she went to make a coffee for herself.


I've updated for like.. 6 times today lol should I just continue to update until the end of this story? Yeah , I should. HAHAHAHAHA

❝ bad things ❞ .jjkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora