twelve: new recruit

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[Jeon Jungkook]

I was getting ready for the party, well I do not usually put that much effort on looking good when going to a party, but hey, Haru will be there so I gotta try to look my best....est.

I just wore a plain, black, oversized shirt, a black and white checkered button shirt wrapped around my waist underneath my t-shirt, ripped jeans, and then black Timberlands. I put up my hair in a comma style, which is pretty much my usual hairstyle in these days. When I was finished, I made finger guns at the mirror and winked while I clicked my tongue, appreciating how good-looking I am at the moment.

I checked the time, and it's already 10:20 PM. Coincidentally, Haru text messaged me,

Haru: where the heck is your ass atm

Me: otw

I was about to put my phone down, when I got a call from the person that I least wanted to talk to today. I sighed, and answered the call, "What is it again?"

"Oh, little brother. You sound like you're in a hurry." I heard Justin's voice at the other end of the line, and I just sighed, "Just what is it? I'll get it done shortly."

"No, I just brought some peeps to your house, wait for them a bit."Justin said, and I can imagine that he's grinning while he said that. "What are you pulling, again?"I asked, my eyebrows met together. Justin chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm not sending out hitmen to assassinate you. Just be nice, and cooperate with them, alright, little brother?" he said, and then hung up.

I clicked my tounge as I placed my phone down. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "Jeon Jungkook, this is your unit, right?" A deep voice was heard from the speakers. I nodded, "Yeah, I'll just open the door." I said, walking towards the door and opening it, revealing five guys about the same age as me, and some looked younger.

"Hey?"I tried to put up a smile, but then the dark, gelled-up haired guy in a dark blue hoodie attacked me out of nowhere. Good thing I ducked, dodged to the side, and hit my elbow behind his neck, bringing the guy on the ground. Another guy with a messy dark hair was attempting a hick kick on me, but I quickly kicked his other leg, making him collapse on his knees.

"What's this?"I asked, as another guy ignored my question and attacked me from behind, but I felt his prescence so I turned aroumd and high-kicked him in the face. I spun again, and roundhouse  kicked the other two in the faces, bringing all of them down.

I just stood there, looking at the five guys on the ground with bruises on their faces. “Did Justin order you to do this?” I asked, arranging my hair again, but it's useless. It's messed up.

One guy just coughed, and looked at me. I heard someone clap his hands outside the door, so my attention diverted towards the door, and there was a middle aged man in a classy suit and shiny black leather shoes, the gold-framed spectacles hung on the bridge of his nose. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, “Who are you?” and then there was a familiar guy in a suit that followed the middle aged man. I pursed my lips, “Justin.”

Justin just grinned as he patted the man's shoulder, “Isn't this enough proof? You can get him.”he told the man as the man just looked at me from head to toe while nodding. “What are you talking about?”I asked. Justin looked at me, smiling. He patted the man's shoulder once again, “Little brother, this man, is secretly the right hand of our president. He's Mr. Song Eun-Hyuk.”

“President?”I asked. “Yep. President of this country.”Justin says, nodding, “He collects promising hitmen to do nasty jobs for the government without manipulating the police and the judiciary branch.”

I looked at the five guys that finally stood up, rubbing their hurted areas. So these are hitmen, too.

Mr. Song extended his hand to me, “Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook.” I took the handshake. “I heard that you're a hitman from the Kim's.”He said, and I nodded, “Was.”

He just let out a grin, “How about your hitman friends? I heard that there's this infamous hitgirl-”“She's out of here.”I interrupted,“She and my other friends are out of this.” I managed to let out a forced, no teeth smile to Mr. Song, and he just chuckled, “You're the only one whose hands remained dirty, I see.”

I gritted my teeth, “I am forced. ” “That's nice.”Mr. Song ruffled my hair as if we've known each other for so long, but he's just making my hair messier, “Justin will be taking orders from me and he'll just inform you about it.” he said, and took a deep breath, “So.”He clapped his hand once, that proud smirk is still on his face. He checked the gold Rolex watch on his left wrist, as he clicked his tongue,“I should get going now. Goodbye.” he says, and left my unit, followed by the five guys who gave me a glance and nodded their heads before they left.

Justin just managed to slap my butt, “You're not gonna get caught by the police now. Don't worry, little brother.” he says smiling. I just looked at him with a serious look on my face, “When will this end?” “Time will come.” Justin pursed his lips, and patted my shoulder as he left the unit.

I sighed, as I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair is all messed up. I checked the time, and it's already 10:40 in the evening. Haru and Yoonjae must be waiting in the station, getting pissed off. I just shrugged and left my unit, as I jumped in my car and drove towards the police station.

When I entered the police station, a policewoman about in her ealy thirties eyed me, “What is it?” she asked, arranging her black square glasses. “Um. I'm Senior Inspector Moon's....”I paused for a bit,“.....friend.”

“She's inside her office.”The lady sighed, as she went back on writing some reports on the paper. I nodded, “Thanks.” and rushed towards Haru's office.

She and Yoonjae are watching some anime in her laptop, and when I entered the room, she turned her laptop off, and closed it, looking at me. She sighed, “What took you so long?”

I scratched the back of my neck, “I just ran some errands.”


It's free time in class so my classmates are blasting out some music and coincidentally, it's Bad Things. lol. nothing, just sharing.

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