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*sighs* Another tag...... 

1. Are you in a relationship?

O.O uh..... do you count chasing after the girl you love and hoping the boy she likes gets hit by a bus? Otherwise, no.

2. Least favorite nickname?

Uh....... um...... since I'm from the south, I hate being called sugar, or honey.

3. Are you in the position to be in a love triangle?

Since I like Grace who likes John who I've heard from various (sometimes reliable) sources likes me, then yes. 

4. Best boy friend?


5. Best girl friend?

 Don't care that we haven't met. Rafaela. 

6. Tag one person who you think will carry on this tag.


Keep being awesome!


Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now