Daughter of Hermes

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You were a pickpocket. Your family had disowned you. You were walking by a store when a man walked out. He seemed in a hurry and rushed by you, bumping into you in the process. In that split second, you stole his wallet. Cramming his oversized wallet into your hoodie, you turned around and started looking for a good alley or bridge to sleep under. 

A Latino elf rushed by you. You reached into his pocket. You were rewarded with a very fat wallet. Grinning, you ducked into an alley to examine what was in the wallets. Before you could open the Latino's wallet, a large dark shape slammed into you. You heard yelling but it all seemed tinny and faraway. 


A bright light was shining in your face. Too bright. When your eyes had adjusted to the light, you opened them and took in your surroundings. You were in an infirmary. A boy with blonde hair rushed over. After a quick run down on Greek mythology I was allowed to leave. You were walking around camp. Then, you saw a seemingly familiar Latino talking to his friends. "One minute, I was walking out of the store with my wallet in my pocket, and the next it's gone and a girl is getting chased by a hellhound and I had no time to look for it!" he shouted. Sheepishly, you went up to him. Without a word, you pulled his wallet out of your hoodie's pocket and gave it to him.

Years later, after many pranks and much teasing, (and a few kisses ;)) he admitted that he really loved you. A promise ring later, you were kissing your husband-to-be. 

Ta-da!!!!! Part two? With kids? Comment if you want a part two and if you do if you want kids or not. Bye!!!!

Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now