Dear Diary📘📖

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Dear Diary, 2/13/10

I finally made friends at school. Some of them are really nice.

Dear Diary, 6/18/10

Great Grandma is in the hospital again. What should I do?

Dear Diary, 2/10/11

We're moving to Texas.

Dear Diary,8/15/11

I've been here 6 months. I have no friends.

Dear Diary, 10/22/11

We visited Pennsylvania. All my friends have phones and I don't. Apparently, I can't be their friend.

Dear Diary, 7/28/12

We moved to Alabama.  It's also my birthday.

Dear Diary, 

I met a boy. His name is Leo.

Dear Diary, 

Leo is awesome. We understand each other relatively well.

Dear Diary,

Leo kissed me. I have never been so happy. 

Dear Diary,

This is my last entry. Leo proposed to me. I said yes. 

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