Daughter of Demeter 🌼🌻🌷🌸🌺🌹🌽🌾

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Y/n was out in the woods in her secret garden. You had tried keeping a garden by the Cabin but your sister Katie was always getting pranked and none of your plants survived last time when they sprayed Febreze everywhere. So you made your new garden out in the woods. Not too far in that you would be attacked but far enough away that your plants could live in peace.

You were picking a bouquet of f/c flowers to put by your bunk when you heard screaming. You ran out of the forest to see the Stoll's and a Hephaestus camper named Leo laughing at Katie who was screaming at her roses which were on fire. You went over and stomped out the fire then used your powers to pick up Connor, Travis, and Leo by the ankles.

"Now boys," you chided and they screamed, "what you did to Katie's roses was not very nice. So now you need to apologize." You had the vines move them towards Katie who was trying to salvage her roses.

"We're sorry Katie." Connor and Travis chorused as if the had said it many times before which they had.

"They made me do it." Leo pointed to the Stoll's who I had let down after their apology.

"Really?" You asked sarcastically, "They made you do it?"

"Yeah, they forced me to set her roses on fire!" Leo told you.

"We didn't force you! We asked and you agreed!" Travis argued.

"No! You forced me!" Leo persisted.

"Okay," you said, "How did they force you?"

"They said they'd take all my drachmas if I didn't help them!" Leo said.

"So they threatened you. They didn't force you?" You asked.

"Yes." Said Leo his face was really red now from hanging upside down for so long.

"Then you still need to apologize." You said.

"What! No! But they-" Leo was cut off by Connor.

"Dude just apologize or she'll keep you upside down all day!" You nodded.

"Fine! I'm sorry Katie!" You dropped him on his head. "Hey! That hurt!" He rubbed his head as you shrugged and made your way back to your garden to finish your bouquet.

You grabbed some roses to bring to Katie on your way back. You and Katie set up the flowers around your beds.

"Thank You," Katie said once you both finished.

"It's no big deal. Roses aren't my favorite anyway." You admitted.

"I wasn't talking about the flowers y/n." Katie laughed.

"Oh... Well, they deserved it. And they should have seen it coming after all the pranks they pull. And they set flowers on fire. I couldn't just let them get away with that! What would Mom say!" You laughed with Katie.

"I know but still, thank you."

"Your welcome. Now I'm hungry you want to get lunch?" Katie laughed but agreed and we walked to the pavilion together.

After Dinner, you were walking back to your cabin when Leo walked up beside you. He scratched his head and looked behind him towards his sister Nyssa. Nyssa glared at him and he returned his attention to you.

"Listen y/n, about earlier, I'm really sorry." You continued walking. "Y/n, I know I shouldn't have- Hey! Are you even listening!" You had sped up your pace and were now a good five meters ahead of him. "Y/n! I'm trying to apologize here!"

You stopped a turned to him, "Are you apologizing because you're sorry or because your sister is making you?" You asked.

"Well, Nyssa is making me. But I also am really sorry! Travis made me think we were doing something nice, so I said I would help them,  then they had me set her roses on fire!" Leo said it so fast it sounded like one sentence.

Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now