Daughter of Athena pt. 2

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You wouldn't   forgive Leo. You  just couldn't. The good times were over. He had his chance and he ruined it. You gave him your heart, and he smashed  it. Now, it was your turn. 

Every day  you ignored him. It goes to the point that where you had to punch him and send him to the infirmary   to get him to leave you alone. But he wouldn't  give  up! You were sick of this. So much so, that you decided to level Camp. 

You went and joined the Hunters   of Artemis. Leo never moved on. Every time the Hunters visited   Camp, you ignored him, or took refuge on the Artemis cabin. Leo had decided his fate, and so had you.

PART 2 IS DONE! Sorry it  was so sad and that it took a while. I'm   sorry! Don't   kill me!😅😅 bye!!!!!

Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat