Piper Glenwood 💙

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You and Leo had just finished pranking the Hecate cabin. Now you both were watching F/S. You fell asleep on Leo's shoulder. When you woke up, Leo was running around freaking out. "What is it, Leo?" You asked, your tail twitching. Tail. Wait. What?!? You ran to the mirror and saw that you had a cat's ears and tail. You were a Neko!

"Leo, tell me that this is real," you said, not quite sure that this was real. Leo came up behind you and scratched your ears. Involuntarily, you let out a satisfied purr. You promptly clapped your hands over your mouth. "What's wrong, Piper? I like it when you purr."

Leo only had the cat tail. Nonetheless, you both had fun with your new, uh, 'accessories'. At the end of the day, you both were back to normal. "Do you want to prank the Hecate cabin again, Piper?" Leo asked. "Let's not and say we did," you said as you headed back to the Poseidon cabin.

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