Snow Surprise

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It was Christmas time, and Chiron had allowed it to snow. (Idk if you guys have noticed, but I'm obsessed with the holidays...) You had woken up at the crack of dawn and gotten dressed. You ran outside. Smirking, you made several snowballs and held them all. You quietly snuck into Leo's room. You stood next to the door, ready to make a quick escape. You flung all the snowballs at Leo and bolted from the cabin. 

You hid behind the Big House, trusting in your speed and your tracks from earlier to throw him off. That didn't happen. You were debating if it was safe to come out when someone grabbed your arms and held them behind you. You were then blindfolded and led somewhere. It was inside. 

Moments later, your coat and mittens were on the floor. You were then tied to a chair. Minutes passed, and nothing happened. You almost fell asleep when you heard a door open. You were awake in a split second. Footsteps. Suddenly and slowly, snow was spread all over your back. You started shivering. The snow was spread all over your neck, cheeks, then your hair. You started to squirm, the snow making you feel cold and uncomfortable. 

"Cold? Or can you take more?" whispered a voice. You whimpered. "Stop. Please." Leo stopped spreading snow on you. He untied you which was a mistake. You sprung on top of him like a cat. Pinning his hands above his head, you laughed. You were wet, and now he was wet (no! Not in the dirty way! Get outta here!). 

Leo flipped you off and kissed you. "Don't get me wet again," he commanded. "Or else what?" You taunted and ran off. 

Sorry I didn't update earlier! My aunt and uncle were over and their dog doesn't have an eye so we have to be careful. Oh. And I feel suicidal.  K, bye.

Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin