Daughter of Nike

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I did it! I don't know how I managed to do it, but I did it! I finally got Chiron to let me and y/n go to the carnival the are holding a few miles from camp! Y/n had seen a flyer for the carnival and decided she wanted to go. And as her boyfriend, her wish is my command. I still can't believe I actually got tickets for y/n and myself. I had been asking nonstop for the past week for Chiron to let us go. And when I say nonstop I mean nonstop. 

I have been asking whenever I see him. I have been putting Post-it notes where he would find them, in his wheelchair, in the dining pavilion, in his quiver. I even changed his alarm clock to say Please can we go? Please, please, pleeeeease? And it worked because tomorrow me and y/n are going to the carnival.

 I ran across camp to the Nike cabin, where y/n would most likely be considering she is a daughter of Nike. "Y/NNNN!" I yelled as I ran up to her. "Y/n, you'll never guess what Chiron said!" "Did he say...to stop leaving sticky notes in his hair?" She asked. "That was an accident! And it only happened once!" I told her. "Twice" she corrected me.

 I pouted until y/n kissed my cheek and asked. "Well, Leo, what did Chiron say?" "He said, and I quote, If it will get you to leave me alone, then yes Leo you can take y/n to the carnival." I did an impression of Chiron as I said it. "So when do we get to go?" "Tomorrow! So go get ready and I'll see you at dinner." Y/n gave me another kiss on the cheek before heading towards her cabin.

We walked in to the carnival the next day hand in hand. The place was busier than I had expected. There were adults, kids, teenagers, and families everywhere. 

The first thing y/n pulled me towards was a row of those impossible carnival games. I began to worry. If those were rigged so you couldn't win y/n would just keep playing til the place closed! Luckily the first booth we went to was easy enough to win. 

The balloons on the board with the weighed darts. The trick is the darts are weighted to go down and to the left so if you aim up and to the right you can hit it. The second booth was knocking the bottles over with a ball. Y/n and her aim had that one in the bag. The third booth we stopped at was the one where you shoot water into the clowns mouth. This was also not a problem as I could tell the gun ends were pointed down a little. So y/n aimed up and found the mark and beat a disappointed college student. 

After our fair share of games we made our way to the rides. We rode a carousel, I of coarse was on a dragon, while y/n was next to me in a unicorn. After the carousel we took a break for lunch, carnival food was very welcome, especially since I had skipped breakfast. 

After lunch we went to race bumper cars. As we left bumper cars y/n turned to me. "I want to ride The Big Apple." 

The Big Apple was the carnival's biggest roller coaster. I was totally fine with y/n going on it except that she wants me to go with her. And you see the coaster it forty feet high, and I'm scared of heights. Now you might say 'But Leo you flew across the world in an airship and you own a dragon!'

 And while those are both true, I made both of those things. By going on this coaster would mean trusting mortal engineers and architects with my safety. And no offence to any mortals out there, but I highly doubt there was a whole lot of editing to the design of the coaster to make it the safest it could possibly  be.

I was scared. "Are you afraid?" she teased. I shook my head no  and got in line when with her. We went  up and down so fast on  the ride, I nearly  threw up. Y/n  was grinning like a maniac. 


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