Daughter of Hades👻💎

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Light and dark. Opposites. Yet, they go perfectly together. I'm a daughter of Hades and I'm dating the one and only Mr. McShizzle, Bad Boy Supreme, Repair Boy, Hot Stuff, etc., Leo Valdez. 

It was Halloween, and I had pranks planned. While he slept, I set up spider webs and fake ghosts all over his cabin. I re-entered the Hades cabin and set up a spider web trap. When Leo walked into my cabin, the web would drop on him. I climbed back into bed and waited.

Screaming. Leo is screaming his head off. I chuckle under the covers. He is going to be so mad. I hear footsteps coming closer to my cabin. Leo opens the door. A split second later, Leo is covered in the fake web. I covered it in glue so it would be sticky. He wrenched it off and came up close to my bed. "Y/ N, wake up." I pretended to wake up. I promptly screamed when I saw how he was dressed up. A zombie. Lovely. He snickered at my reaction.

I huffed and started to clean up the mess he made with the web. We worked together and soon it was done. He leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him. I secretly grabbed the glue bottle and put some in his hair. Then I put in some glitter. 

Let's just say a glittery zombie was chasing me all day....

Hello!!! Sorry I didn't update. I have co-op on Tuesdays now and I have homework, too. How do y'all deal with it? And it's not due till this Tuesday!!!! I hate homework. Bye!!!!


Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن