Daughter of Hecate

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As a daughter of Hecate, whenever you got pissed off, you tended to curse people. Your specialty was turning people into cats. Black cats. So, when Leo kept bugging you about the fact that you wouldn't let him touch your autographed Harry Potter series, you promptly turned him into a cat. At first, it was funny. Leo was so confused on why you were suddenly so tall and the only sounds he could make where cat noises. Then he looked down.

You had been laughing your head off at his predicament when you felt something sharp dig into your leg. Leo had decided enough was enough. Apparently, he got his revenge by shredding your jeans. Before Leo could do anymore damage, you quickly made him human again.

The punishment was no kisses for a week. Well, there was supposed to be a punishment, until you reminded him that he wouldn't get any kisses either. From then on, you never turned him into a cat again for fear that next time he might shred your Harry Potter series...

Did y'all like it???? I hope so! ¡Adios mi amigas!

Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now