Pregnant pt. 2

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You got home after running a few errands. You were so happy. You and Leo were going to have a baby! With your arms full of groceries, you entered your house. After putting everything away, you sat down on the couch and pulled out your phone. The first person you called was your mom/dad. 

"Mom/Dad! Guess what?" You said. "What is it, Y/N?" "I'm pregnant! The baby is due in (since this is September the baby is due in June. But since others may read this in different months, just add on nine months to the current month.)!!!" Your parent was in utter shock. After a few attempts to speak, he/she said bye and hung up. 

Before you could call anyone else, Leo came home. He ran up to you and hugged you. "When's it due?!?" he asked excitedly. "June (or afore said other month.)," you replied. Leo pulled you into his lap and kissed you. "I'm gonna be a father," he muttered in awe. 

The rest of that night was spent cuddling and thinking up names for the baby.

Ta-da!!!!!!!!! Part 3a is sad. Like, you will probably die from crying so hard. BUT part 3b is the happy version. Just a heads up. Oh, do you want a boy or girl??? Tell me!! And I hope y'all enjoyed!

Leo Valdez x Reader/Nico x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now