Scott nodded, Stilinski then backed away and over toward Tara's position, Scott's eyes flickered between Alex and Stiles before nodding toward the back room of the clinic. They nodded softly, glancing over their shoulders as Scott led them both into the room.

Once the door was shut, the three looked toward one another, Stiles and Alex completely unaware as to what Scott was about to say.

"We have to tell him."

Raising a brow, Stiles spoke: "You mean, like, tell him, tell him? Or tell him something else that isn't telling him what I think you want to tell him?"

Alex looked at the human boy in exasperation. Even for a thousand year old hybrid, he can still twist her mind and make her feel stupid.

"You know what I mean," Scott interjects.

Stiles' fingers found themselves gripping around the cat cage tightly, "You remember how your mom reacted? She didn't look you in the eye for, like, a week."

Alex rose an eyebrow. A week? A week!? Damn. Mother and 'father' hated them for a lot longer. They still hate them even from the other side. She found that kinda hilarious.

"And she got over it," Scott countered quietly, "And - And it actually made us closer."

Stiles shook his head softly, his eyes locked on his father's figure through the small window on the door. "I don't know, dude. I mean, look at him. Come on, he's completely overwhelmed as it is."

"He's overwhelmed because he has no clue what's happening," Scott countered. "He's got people dying in his town, the town he's supposed to protect. And it's not his fault that he doesn't know what's happening. He's gonna find out sooner or later." Alex made a noise that sounded like, 'ehh' as she tilted her head.

"Okay, but is now really the right time?" Alex asked, trying to get Scott to see it from Stiles' point of view. Stiles didn't want to get his dad to dragged into that like they had been; he would be putting the only parent he had left in danger.

"What if not telling him now gets someone else killed?" Scott pondered.

"What if telling him gets him killed, huh?" Stiles countered. "I mean, okay, look, I get that Deaton's been like a father to you. I get that, okay? But this isn't - Scott, this is my actual father. I can't..." Stiles paused, looking toward the ground as he tried to recollect his bearings. "I can't lose both of my parents, all right?" Stiles managed to breath out. "Not both of them."

Alex looked down, saddened by that. She didn't have either of her parents, not like she really wanted to, anyway. They were assholes.

"You're right." 

Stiles sighed. "No, I'm not. I'm not right. I'll tell him." 

"We'll help you," Alec  promised, knowing that between her and Scott, they would be able to convince Stilinski with their supernatural abilities. 

The three of them hesitantly turned to face the door, opening it only to reveal the last person any of them expected to see. Marin Morrell, the emissary for the Alpha pack, stood in the center of the clinic. She was speaking to Sheriff and Tara, regarding the disappearance of her brother. 

Scars Left by Memories ↠ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now