"Okay, well, mom, how can we help?" Scott asked his mother, a lost puppy look in his eyes.

"Honey, you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity, so..."

"He's gonna die, isn't he?"

"No. No, he's not," she spoke in determination. "Scott, you you grab the tape." She turned to Ethan. "You grab those scissors and cut his shirt open." She gave Alex a look and she nodded, holding onto Danny for support. "Okay." Danny tried breathing but it got stuck in his throat.

"Mom, he's not breathing."

"I know, I know. Okay." Melissa let out a breath. "Okay, here we go." She plunged an epipen into Danny and he flung upwards, throwing up what was left of the mistletoe.

"Thank you." Danny smiled at Melissa and Alex before passing out.

"No problem." Melissa then looked at her son. "What?"

"That was awesome," Scott breathed out in fascination.

"It was no problem, you know? I mean, it wasn't a big deal."

Alex smiled at Melissa. She is the type of mother she has always wanted. Kind, selfless, and always there for her children. She wished her mother was like Melissa, but no, she got a selfish bitch who only cared for herself and her way of things.

"GOOD morning, as you all know, Mr. Harris is still missing — I mean, sick. Anyway, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place," Ms. Blake announced, Alex's eyes narrowing at the teacher. "Okay, so, let's get started, shall we?" 

She turned to write something on the chalkboard, and Stiles then leaned to his right, moving closer to Alex and Scott and whispered. "Hey, my dad said that the ER attending wasn't strangled, but did die from asphyxiation. They just don't know how." 

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be alive?" Scott wondered, his dark eyebrows furrowing. 

"I don't know," Stiles replied, his voice getting lower as he moved closer to Alex. "But, guys, there's got to be at least twenty other doctors in that hospital. At least, you know?" 

"Any one of them could be next," Alex added. 

Scott opened his mouth to speak but just before he could get a word out, there was a loud vibration that caught all three teens' attention. Scott scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket, ducking his head under the table, voice in a hushed whisper as he answered the call. 

"Hey, Doc. Sorry, I'm in class right now. Can I call you back later?" Scott asked and Alex listened in.

"Unfortunately, no." Deaton's voice wavered a little bit. "I honestly thought I might never have to burden you like this, but I'm afraid, at the moment, you're my only hope. I'm going to be taken. I need you to find me."

Alex turned to Stiles as the boy began to bounce his legs up and down in anticipation and worry. "Deaton is being taken."

THE three teens watched silently as Stilinski and his deputy searched the compound.

The Darach was able to outsmart them, leaving no trace that an actual crime had been committed.

They were all seated on the stool as Sheriff Stilinski walked over to them, clamping his hand on Scott's shoulder. "All right, we're gonna do everything we can. Right now, the best thing you can do is go back to school."

Scars Left by Memories ↠ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now