6 - "Chateau Lafite"

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Maddie gets off the bed and runs to her closet, "i have the perfect thing" she says.

"Maddie we're not the same size!" You say, noticing her rummaging through her clothing.

"Oh, chill. You're two sizes bigger and i bought this online, two sizes too big" she explains, pulling out a red and black lace set of lingerie. "You like?"

Your eyes widened at the beautiful corset and matching panties. "Holy shit, Mads" you walk to her and grab the risqué outfit, loving the soft silky feel of the red fabric. The lace around it was black, complimenting it very nicely.

"Gotta love international shopping." She giggles. "He's gonna go crazy." She smirks, eyeing you up, "trust me."

Ethan's POV

"So you want me out of the house because you have someone coming over tonight" Grayson asks, concern laced in his voice.

I nod my head, pulling different wines from my collecting against the wall in the kitchen. None of it seemed good enough.

"Who is it, bro" he asks. His face had a childish smirk and a boyish gleam. It was annoying.

"Just a girl" i say, finally finding what i was looking for. An 1885 Chateau Lafite. It was red wine and crazy expensive, but what else would i ever use it for?

Grayson steps forward, eyeing the bottle, "it's gotta be some royal pussy if you're cracking out the old shit" he says, laughing.

I, however, didn't find it funny at all.

I glare at him with an annoyed look, "just go. Please." He sighs and grabs my keys from the counter, heading toward the front door. "And don't fucking kick my car door ever again, you dickface."

He just slams the door and leaves, making my hands start to sweat. I was alone. Anxiously waiting for her to come. I have an hour left.


Your POV

Maddie drove you to Ethan's house, asking you about everything that had really happened lastnight with Grayson.

You told her the truth, seeing as there was no point in lying.

"Wait- so he had a boner in class?" She asks loudly, laughing as she clicks on her left turns signal.

You feel your face burn in embarrassment for him, "yeah."

"Oh, God. That is too rich" she finishes laughing at Ethan's misfortune and pulls onto a familiar road. Ethan's road.

"How are you feeling about this" she asks, her curiosity peaking.

Nervous. Nervous as all hell, Maddie turn the damn car around!

You shake it off on the outside, shrugging your shoulders, "i feel fine. It's not like i've never had sex before" you brush it off, playing it cool. Meanwhile, your insides twisted and turned like you were on the world's most dangerous rollercoaster.

"True. But i don't think Dean really qualified" she jokes, referring to his... rather small size.

You laugh and stop immediately when her car pulls into an empty driveway. "Are you sure he's even here" she asks, looking at the house closely.

The lights were off. The only glimmer of life you could see were small flickers of a candle. "I hope so" you say nervously.

You turn to her and take off your seatbelt, "how do i look?"

She glances at your makeup, natural yet seductive. Your hair, curled and sexual. You two settled on a close-fitting olive green dress. It slightly flowed out, with a deep neckline that exposed your cleavage.

"Fucking perfect" she compliments, boosting your confidence. "Go get 'em, tiger" she encourages, unlocking the door.

You smile and get out of her car, heading to the front door as quick as possible to get out of the cold air.

Maddie peeled from the driveway quickly so you couldn't back out and beeped her horn, probably alerting the whole neighborhood.

By the time you got to the front door, it was quickly swung open by a handsome-looking Ethan. His white v-neck clung to his built body, as well as his black skinny jeans that hugged his legs. "Fuck" he breathed out, "you look sexy as hell."

Your cheeks blushed a tomato red and he stepped aside,"come in, babygirl."

You did as told and notice candles lit all over the livingroom, a fireplace lit up nicely by blankets and pillows.

"Just so you know," he says softly before kissing your neck slowly, "i don't go easy."

Your stomach twisted in excitement. "What do you do?"

He turned you around quickly and gripped your hips tightly, "Daddy goes hard. Rough. Be ready to take off classes for a few days, baby."

Word Count: 1364

Teach Me || Ethan Dolan (MATURE 18+)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin