"About a month ago." I said, reminiscing back to the day where we finally became official, smiling at the memory.

"Who asked who?" Gabe jumped, making me even more surprised than Justin, because he gets really weird about that stuff.

"I asked him." I said, getting a little red in the face. I looked over a Vic to see him eyeing me from the corner. When we finally made eye contact, I sheepishly looked away while he chuckled.

"You guys are adorable." Jesse said, looking back and forth between the both of us, making me blush even more.

"You guys, stop it." I whined dramatically, hiding my face in my hoodie I was wearing, getting a laugh out of everyone in the room, even Vic too. Hopefully he got over his little bitch fit and would start acting normal now.

After teasing me some more, the boys decided to go downstairs again since we were all done eating.

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Justin asked the group after we all sat down. He got a few mumbles of, 'I don't know,' and, 'It doesn't matter to me.'

"Alright, how about we flip a coin. Heads, we go to the arcade downtown, tails we stay here." Justin suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Jesse said.

"Same here." Jack seconded.

Justin flipped the coin and caught it, and it landed on heads. "Okay! Arcade it is."

After piling into the car, we were on our way to the arcade. We had a van so it was possible for everyone to fit, but with 7 teenage boys in one car you can imagine how crazy it got. Jack sat up front with Justin, who was driving, and being the idiot he is he stuck basically his whole body out of the car aside from his legs, and almost fell out when Justin swerved on purpose. I was laughing along with everyone else in the car, even Vic, who I was sitting next to. But the laughter all stopped when we heard the police sirens behind up.

"Shit, shit, shit." Justin cursed under his breath, while pulling over off the side of the road.

"Dude just calm down, you don't know what they saw. They could just be pulling you over for speeding, I mean you are doing 60 in a 35 zone." Matty said, trying to calm him down.

"But what if he saw that jackass over there with his whole fucking body hanging out of the car?! My mom will literally kill me and take away my licenses." He said, and everyone went quite for a moment, even Matty. Justin looked out the side mirror and looked at the cop sitting behind us. "Everyone buckle up, he's not looking. Hurry!" Justin said impatiently.

We sat there for another five minutes until the cop came over to Justin's window. He rolled it down and put on his charming smile, the one that he uses to get out of bad situations.

"License and registration please." The cop said, while taking a peak in the rest of the car, seeing who was all in it while Jack and Justin scrambled for the registration. He gave it to the cop so he could inspect it, and we sat there in suspense as we waiting for the cop to get done and tell us what's wrong.

"Justin Hills, age seventeen, more than likely lives with his parents, and this is more than likely his parents' vehicle." He said, looking away from the licenses to him at the end of the sentence. "Well Justin, does your parents know that you were going approximately twenty-five mph over the speed limit?"

"Uh no sir, they do not." He said, looking up at him with a charming smile.

"Smiles don't work on me Mr. Hills." The cop said, with a smile of his own, which made Justin's disappear. "Anyways, I'm going to give you a fine of three hundred dollars for speeding and reckless driving, pay it in thirty days or spend a night in prison. Your choice." He said, while writing out the ticket.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now