Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best Day Ever.....

Start from the beginning

Green Hair: Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

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Green Hair: Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?

I look closely at the address, and realize that it's "Tukson's Book Trade."

(Y/N): (spins right earphone) Oh, just go straight (points the road behind her) and take a left, you'll see a big book store called "Tukson's Book Trade" can't miss it.

Green Hair: Thanks! You've been a big help!

(Y/N): Not at all!

I was about to walk away until I stop and realize that she's also walking the way I'm heading.

Green Hair: Oh! Were you going that way too?

(Y/N): Oh. No, I'm taking the right. 

Green Hair: I see.

We start walking

(Y/N): Aren't you going to wait for your friend?

We stop again.

Green Hair: Actually, he's right there.

She points at the Grey haired emo who is chilling in the corner.

She points at the Grey haired emo who is chilling in the corner

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(Y/N): (I had a hair like that once. When I was 12.)

Me and the Emo Guy exchange nods.

Green Hair: Thanks again for the help!

(Y/N): (turns to the right) Anytime!

I said that, and start walking, then quickly stop, raise my wallet up for them to see, then I turn to face them over by my shoulder, smiling.

(Y/N): Oh! And.....Nice try.

I said as I put it back in my pocket and start walking.



Mercury: *whistle* He's good.

Emerald: *smiles* Yeah.....(puts hands on hips) He is.

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