An Angel's World (Logicality)

Start from the beginning

Straightening his glasses, he reply calmly. "Salutations Patton, my name is Logan," he said with a smile. Patton tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"You... you talk strange..." he said, looking distant for a moment. "Anyway! It's nice to meet you, Logan!"

Logan smiled a little before starting to question him. "May I ask you some questions?" he asked. Patton nodded enthusiastically. "For one, why were you crying?"

His wings drooped as he looked away. "...ask me something else please..."

Logan frowned, concern and intrigue spiking, but he respected his wish not to speak about it. "Well, then, what are you?" he asked instead.

Patton brightened a little, fluttering his wings. "I'm a Tenshi! Don't you know what a Tenshi is?" he asked, receiving a confused look as a reply. "Tenshis are a species of humanoid-like creatures with wings! We're like, freaking awesome! We've got a biological connection to life and the universe!"

"Wait, wait, slow down," Logan said, his intrigue growing further as Patton unknowingly tapped into his desire to discover new things about the world. "I want to know more, but slow down- and wait! I'll grab my notebook!"

After retrieving his brand new notebook and pen, he sat down on the balcony and listened to Patton talk about his species. He went on and on about where he was from and how incredible they were. Logan was excitedly writing down everything (in scientific notes rather than word for word), growing more and more convinced that he wasn't dreaming.

"Patton, this... this is incredible!" Logan exclaimed as he looked back through his notes. His eyes caught the shimmering wings. He hesitantly reached out a hand, looking up for permission. "May... May I?"

The Tenshi looked at his hand, reaching out to take it and guide it to gently touch his wing. Logan's eyes widened at the softness, carefully running his fingers over the individual feathers. Patton sighed at the feeling, blushing as he covered his mouth. Logan looked up at him with concern. Had he hurt him, or made him uncomfortable? "Did I do something?" he asked, pulling his hand away.

"N-No, no, no, you're fine," he stammered with a shaky smile as Logan stepped back and went back to his notes.

"Patton, you have to tell me more!" he exclaimed excitedly. "Please!"

The Tenshi smiled, something flashing in his eyes before he pushed it away. "I have a better idea," he said, taking his hand. Logan blushed as he looked down at the gesture. Patton didn't seem bothered as he opened his wings wide.

"Patton, wait-"

He launched into the air, earning a small scream from Logan in shock as he was pulled along with him. He was holding onto Patton's hand for dear life as the ground became further and further away.

"PATTON IS THERE ANY OTHER WAY WE COULD DO THIS THAT MAY BE SAFER FOR ME?" he yelled, voice high pitch with fear and raised in volume to make sure he was heard.

The Tenshi giggled, tossing Logan into the air above him, earning another scream until he landed gently in a pair of arms. He blinked his eyes opened to realize Patton was flying on his back, and he was resting on his chest. "Is this better?" he asked quietly with a smile.

"Much," Logan replied, subconsciously holding tighter to Patton, who was blushing with a grin. The landed on a cliff side that appeared to be a mountain. The Tenshi was leading him toward a very small cave. "Where are you taking me?"

"I'm about to change your life!" Patton said, pausing to look at him with a wider smile.

The intellectual one raised eyebrow, mentally swearing he'd heard that before; in a Broadway show, maybe? He shook the thought away, focusing on the promise the Tenshi had just made and how much he wanted it. "Then by all means, lead the way."

He did, taking Logan by the hand and pulling him into the cave. The cave turned out to be a tunnel, leading deep into the mountain. Logan couldn't see anything through the dark, but he could see his own breath as it crystallized in the cold air. There was a light peaking through up ahead, making his heart beat faster with anticipation. Patton pulled back the curtain of ivy, the sunlight momentarily blinding him, before his eyes widened in awe.

"Welcome to my home," Patton said, walking out of the tunnel.

In front of them was a cavern of pure beauty and life. There were vibrant plants Logan had never seen or even heard of before in his life. Animals of species he didn't recognize were all around him, and Tenshis were everywhere. They soared through the sky, filling the blue space with seemingly endless colors. There were sophisticated structures of beautifully crafted architecture. The Tenshis used their gift to manipulate the world around them in beautiful ways. Everything was... magical.

"All this time, men thought they were the most sophisticated creatures on earth," Logan murmured. "We were so wrong! I have to write about this! This is possibly one of the biggest discoveries of the history of mankind!"

Patton's wings drooped and he stopped. Logan, who'd kept going, noticed his absence and turned around. "Patton?" The Tenshi looked down, hair falling over his face. He sniffed as he fought back the tears. Logan approached him, confused and concerned. "Patton... what's wrong?"

"I met someone like you once..." he murmured. "He were so enthusiastic about this place too... he fooled me into to thinking he cared about me and the good of our world... he wanted to tell everyone about us too, but when I told our rulers about him, they forbid he say a word about this place to any human. They believed that if word of this place reached the outside world, people like you would destroy it. When he refused to listen to the rulers, they executed him. The worst part was that I knew deep down he would put discovery and science before me and what I thought was love..."

Logan looked at the crying Tenshi in horror, trying to figure out how anyone could hurt such beautiful and kind creature. "Patton..."

"Please... don't share this place," he said, looking at Logan with pleading eyes. "If the human world learns about this place, they'll destroy it! Scientists will tear everything apart as they carelessly inspect and dissect everything! They'll capture us like animals and experiment on us to figure out how our powers work! W-We'll be t-turned into s-slaves for the h-human r-race!"

He broke down into a fit of sobs as he rambled about the horrible things that humanity would do to his world. He started to fall forward, Logan catching him in his arms as he looked down at him.

There were three voices now.

One: he followed in his father's footsteps to run the company as his whole life had indicated he would.

Two: he followed a career in science and discovery, and he chose whether or not he doomed this world to the horrors of man, or left them to be a hidden secret of the earth forever.

Three: he helped protect them, allowing himself to do the unthinkable, fall in love.

Patton had trusted him to bring him here, for reasons Logan had yet to understand. He wanted to understand, and he wanted to learn. He wanted to learn more about him and his world. Logan wanted to trust his heart instead of his head, for the first time in his entire life.

He looked at Patton, who'd shown up right in his time of crisis. He'd been looking for a sign to tell him what to do with his life. His eyes widened as he realized this may be it. "Patton..." The Tenshi pulled away to meet his eyes with his own tearful ones. "I think you're what I've been waiting for. You're the angel meant to help me find my place."

Logan slid a hand under his cheek, wiping away his tears with his thumb. "I won't share this place, I want to protect it. I want to learn about it, but in a peaceful way, one that won't hurt anyone or anything. I want you to show it to me, and teach me about your world," he murmured. "I'll be your guardian, and make sure no one ever finds out about this place."

Patton was looking at him with wide and teary eyes. "R-Really?" he whispered. Logan nodded, pressing their foreheads together.

"You were meant to find me, and I was meant to protect you."

Not saying anything... but I might be doing more with this concept.

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