You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 27

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I scrolled to the website and searched ‘cocaine.’ I chewed my nails, hoping no one would come over and see I was searching class A drugs. The page finally loaded, and I read, feeling my stomach churning heavily. ‘Taking cocaine makes users feel on top of the world, wide-awake, confident and on top of their game – but some people are over-confident on it and so may take very careless risks.

Its effect is much like speed (amphetamines), but is usually stronger and doesn't last as long.

After a big night on cocaine, it's not unusual for people to feel like they've got the flu.  When the effects of any cocaine use start to wear off there can be a very strong temptation to take more, particularly with the long ‘come down’, the crash period sometimes lasting for days afterwards.’

I gulped, reading over the sentences again and again. I remembered how Bree had felt ‘like she’d had the flu’ and how she’d be happy one moment, then almost depressed for days afterwards. I decided to carry on reading the risks.

‘Crack and cocaine users have died from overdoses. High doses can raise the body's temperature, cause convulsions and heart failure. Risk of overdosing increases if crack is mixed with other drugs or alcohol.

Over time, snorting cocaine will seriously damage the cartilage in your nose that separates the nostrils; and it is not unknown for heavy users to lose their cartilage and end up with just one really big nostril and a misshapen nose.

Using cocaine a lot makes people feel depressed and run down. It can lead to serious problems with anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks. Heavy crack users may take heroin to try to dull their cravings, so they may get hooked on heroin as well.’

I was in worry overdrive now. I remembered her nose bleed, her depressed mode. I felt sick, death from overdose? Heroin addiction? I couldn’t read anymore. I quickly shut the window down, hoping to god that Bree hadn’t got in that deep and she’d be here today, bright as anything, drug free.

I laughed to myself, I was totally hoping for the impossible.

“What’re laughing at over there?” someone asked.

I turned to see the boy who had been facing away from me. It was Matt.

“Oh, nothing really.” I lied, giving him a wry smile.

“Ah, the old ‘nothing’ excuse.” He smirked. He was being quite verbose again today, which I found very strange.

“No seriously, it wasn’t anything funny actually.” I said seriously, logging off and getting up to go.

“Ah right, private eh? Females are a mystery to me.” He said, following me to get our bags.

“It’s not really that private, you can know if you want.” I told him. He did have a right after all, this did affect more than Bree.

“Nah, I’m good. I really don’t want to know that badly, especially if it’s relationship troubles.” He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

I laughed for real this time. “No, nothing like that.” I answered, thankful that I had someone to take my mind off what I’d just read.

“So, have you heard anymore from Bree then?” Matt asked as we exited straight onto the tennis courts.

I shook my head silently. “No, I’m going to go and see her tonight though, see what’s happening.”

He nodded. “Cool, do you want me to come with you?” he asked.

I shrugged “Okay, it would be nice for some moral support.” I laughed.

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