You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 19

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Chapter 19

“Urrrrghhhh.” someone moaned in the back of the car on my lap.

I laughed. “Where am I?” the voice asked, sounding slightly disoriented and groggy as if they’d just woken from sleep.

“In a car. With your sister. Who had to carry you here.” Kayleigh replied, opening her door so the lights came on.

The person whose voice it was winced at the bright lights. “Ugh, turn them off!” Paloma yelled, sitting up off my lap. “Oh god, I feel awful. How much did I drink?” she asked, rubbing her head and eyes. Her makeup was slightly smudged and her eyes were heavy with bags.

“A few cans. Through a straw.” Jake answered, half asleep. It was half three in the morning.

“Oh god. So totally legless then.” she moaned yet again.

“Yeah, pretty much.” I laughed “No, you were just a little tipsy. Do you remember anything?” I looked over at her with a grin.

She went red. “Nothing much.” she said sheepishly.

“Do not lie!” I said. I avoided shouting because Jake was half asleep and Bree was zonked out in the front.

“Ok, ok! Yes, I remember everything. And my sister supporting me when we walked out. When was that?” she asked.

“About an hour ago. We’ve been sitting here waiting for you to wake up.” I grinned, wanting to know more about this whole Max thing.

“Really? Why?”

“Because I couldn’t be bothered to carry you inside, and it took us forever to get through the crowd of drunken teens.” Kayleigh said from outside the door. She’d stepped out while we were talking.

“Well, just drop me off at Tabby’s, ok? And Jake, are you coming too?” Paloma asked.

“Whatever. I’ll call my mum.” he mumbled into my shoulder.

“Yes, I’m sure my mum will be so happy to see a walking zombie of a teenage boy and a girl who just snogged a boy for an hour straight.” I laughed.

“Oh ha ha. Don’t over exaggerate.” Paloma folded her arms and pretended to be interested in the dark outside the window.

“I didn’t.” I replied.

“Come on Kayleigh, get us all to Tabby’s then.” Paloma said, ignoring me completely.

“Yes madam.” Kayleigh did a little pretend bow to her sister and got into the car again. “So all of you, right?” she checked again.

Paloma nodded. “Yeah, we’ll get Bree and Jake in somehow.”

“Ok, at least I got rid of you for the night.” she said, setting off for my house. We were there sooner than I thought. We managed to wake Bree and get Jake inside. I stepped into the dark house and turned to wave as Kayleigh drove off.

Jake had his phone out and was texting his mum with his eyes half closed. Paloma had Bree’s phone and was doing the same for her.

I led them all upstairs to my room. Elliot looked up from his basket, but went back to snoozing straight away. Paloma got straight into my bed and I joined her. Jake got in next to me and Bree my other side. It was a slight squeeze, but it was a double, so it wasn’t too uncomfortable.

None of us said another word, and I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


“MUM! STRANGERS ARE IN TABBY’S BED!” A small voice shouted.

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