You, Me & 'Charlie' - chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Max yawned loudly, making Elliot’s tail twitch. He lifted his head up sleepily and yawned too, a whine emitting from his throat.

“Tabby, gerrof!” Paloma mumbled.

I laughed, she had obviously forgotten about falling asleep on Max.

“I’m not on you.” I said.

“Hrrrm.” she stated, and turned over to face Max’s stomach, clearly oblivious.

I laughed quietly. Jake was still asleep, his hair poking out the top of the covers. Mum must have chucked a duvet over Paloma while we were asleep.

Max dozed lightly, while I stroked Elliot idly, looking out the window at the weak November sunshine. I wondered what Paloma’s reaction would be when she finally woke up?

I laughed quietly to myself and turned over.


I had no idea what time it was, but I must’ve dozed off again. “TABBY!” somebody shouted my name.

I jolted awake, Elliot suddenly getting up and barking.

“Jeez!” I said, sitting up myself to see what was happening.

“Morning sleepy head, I wanted to check you were all up.” Mum smiled brightly from the doorway.

I rubbed my eyes. “What time is it?” I asked, hoping it wasn’t as early as it felt.

“Midday. You missed breakfast, sorry.” Mum smiled apologetically.

“Ah well, I’ll just have to stuff my face at lunch won’t I?” I grinned.

Mum laughed. “Whatever. I’m off shopping, if you need anything, give your dad a call, he’s upstairs in his study finishing some work.”

I nodded. “Ok, where're the twins?” I asked, surprised we hadn’t been woken by them jumping on us.

“Zach is next door with Joe and Ethan is in his room playing Lego. They’ll be fine until I get back and become hungry.” she replied.

“Ok, have fun shopping.”

She gave me another smile, and a glance at Max and Paloma on the sofa. “Young love, eh?” she laughed.

I heard her leave as the front door closed. Elliot was on Max’s lap now too; he’d obviously wanted to get in with the action over there.

I wriggled out of my sleeping bag, my legs were hot and I needed to walk around a bit.

I walked to the kitchen and got some juice out of the fridge. I yawned as I poured it into a glass. I closed the cupboards noisily on purpose so it would wake the others up.

I sipped my juice quietly, thinking about talking to Bree’s mum soon. I would also tell Paloma about my talk with my mum yesterday evening too.

I stood in silence for a few minutes, my mind drifting.

“Why on earth didn’t you tell me?!” someone hissed, bringing me back to earth abruptly.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. “Huh?” I answered, confused.

Paloma was standing with her hands on her hips, her face slightly flushed and her hair messy.

“About me falling asleep on Max you nitwit!” she exclaimed, holding her hands up to the ceiling.

I laughed, suddenly realising what she was getting so worked up about.

“Please Paloma, you were edging closer to him each minute last night. Don’t act like you were surprised to find yourself in his arms this morning.” I said, finishing my juice.

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