Chapter 56

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A/N: I want to take this time to thank all my readers, voters and those that commented on this story! You guys are what made this story what it is! I have so enjoyed writing this and give a huge thank you to andi0805 for sharing the idea for this story and giving me the opportunity to write it! I feel honoured that you came to me with the idea and asked me to bring it to life for you! I hope it has turned out the way you wanted it to! Thank you again to all of you that have helped me along with this when I hit writers block! If this sounds like an ending to you, you are correct! This has maybe one or two chapters left! I am saddened to see this journey come to an end! But proud that it has gotten this far! A massive thank you again!


It has been a couple of days since Harry proposed. I still get teary eyed when I think about what he did and the effort he put into it. Everytime I look down and see the ring on my finger I get goosebumps. I keep asking myself if it's just a dream. I pinch myself constantly to make sure I'm awake. And yep, I'm awake, and marked with half-moon imprints on my arms from my nails. ha ha ha.

I am currently at the hospital sitting with Naomi. She is doing pretty good. Her skin healing nicely. But the doctors say that she will need a lot more treatments before she is completely healed, physically. Emotionally, she has a ways to go. She has the brightest smile that can light up an entire room. But in her eyes I can see past that smile and see so many other emotions flooding her pretty eyes. I hope, with time, that pain will cease as well.

"What else did he do?", Naomi asked excitedly

"We went on a boat and had dinner there", I told her smiling.

"That sounds lovely Niall", Her grandmother stated smiling. Her grandma and grandpa were sitting in a chair by the wall watching and listening to us chit chat

"I wish I could've seen that", Naomi says looking at her hands

"Niall James Horan". I looked up to see Harry standing at the door. I smiled wide at him as he walked over to me

"Will you please do me the honour of making me the happiest man alive by marrying me?", He asks. He gave me a little wink letting me in on what he was doing.

"Yes I will Harry Edward Styles", I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "That was sweet of you babe", I whisper in his ear before kissing him right below it

"Yay!", Naomi squeals

"That was"


Harry's eyes went wide as he looked over to see where the voices came from

"I am so sorry", Harry says turning a light shade of red. "I didn't see you guys sitting there", He continues to apologize.

"Don't be sorry son", Naomis grandpa says. "That was beautiful to witness. And sweet of you to do that for her", He says smiling

"Can we talk to you two?", Her grandpa asks us as he gets up and walks to the door

"Sure", I tell him standing up. "We'll be right back sweet girl", I tell Naomi as I kiss her head. Harry follows suit and we follow them out of the room and into the waiting room.

"I'm really sorry", Harry says nervously. "I thought it would be cute if-", Harry starts to say being cut off by Naomi's grandpa.

"Son, don't be sorry. It was very special what you did. She wanted to see it happen and you did that for her", He says.

"This has to do with Naomi and her well being", Her grandmother goes on to say. "She gets out in a week as you guys well know. And you know the situation she is headed for", She goes on to say. Harry and I just look at her and nod our heads, not real sure where she is going with this. "We still have control of her situation..for now. As she is still in the hospital and in our care. We have yet to sign papers putting her in state care. So, we can still decide on where she goes. We want that settled before she leaves here or else we have no choice", She says tears now going down her cheeks. "There is no guarantee that we will even get to continue seeing her once she is placed in this home", She says now fully breaking down

"We have watched the two of you with her. You both show love and compassion for her. Especially you Niall. All the time you spend here with her when you could be doing other things. And you Harry, you come straight here right after work to see her. You three eating dinner together and you both make sure she is tucked into bed before you leave.", Her grandfather adds on

'What are you trying to say?", Harry asks as right now I am speechless

"We want to see if you two would like to adopt her", Her grandmother says wiping her tears away. "We know that she would be well taken care of with you two. She loves and adores you guys and I can tell you feel the same about her. And I believe that you guys would still allow us to be apart of her life. Our tradition is that we take her to church with us and then out for lunch. Sometimes she would stay the night through the week..depending on school and all", She goes on to explain

"Yo-You want us to adopt her?", I ask unsure that I heard her correctly

"Yes", They say together. "If you want to and if we could still be a part of her life", Her grandfather says

Harry and I look at each other wide eyed and have a silent discussion between us. Saying everything we need to just by looking at each other. We then look at them silently for a bit

"We would love to", We say at the sametime causing us all to laugh a bit

'Alright! let's go discuss this with her then", They say standing back up

"I have the perfect way", Harry says looking at me. I nod my head knowing where he was going with this. We follow them back into her room. She watches us walk in. All of us wiping our tears trying to hide them from her

"What's wrong?', She asks as her grandparents make their way back to where they were sitting. Harry and I walking to her bed and sit down on each side of her. We both grab her hand and then look at each other. We nod our heads and then look at her.

"Naomi, love, would you do us the honour of becoming your dads. We promise to love you. Take care of you. And spoil you rotten", We say switching back and forth on who says each promise. Both of us meaning every word that is being said.

She looks at us and then back to her grandparents.

"Will I still get to see gramps and nanna?", She asks softly

"As much as you want to", Harry says

"Everyday if you'd like", I tell her

"Is chocolate involved? And toys? And cartoons?", She rambles on her questions

"Yes", We answer together.

"Your own room even. Decorated however you like", Harry says. She nods her head with a smile smile

"Pinky promise I can still see grandpa and nanna?", She then asks again to be sure

"Pinky promise", We say as we link our pinkies with hers

"Yes! I'm in!", She squeals out. We gather in a group hug, her grandparents joining in on it

"Where do we go from here?", i ask wiping my eyes

"We will get the papers drawn up and the process started", Her grandpa says

"We wont let you guys or Naomi down", Harry says

"That is a promise", I reassure them

"We know you wont", Her grandmother says. They then get up and gather their things to leave.

"We will meet with you guys tomorrow with papers", They say. They give Naomi hugs and then leave the room

"I'm gonna have a family", Naomi says as she starts crying

"You sure will little bug", Harry says

A/N: Here you guys go! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. One or two more chapters left depending on the length of the epilogue. Still debating on wether to make it one part or two. Much love to all of you! Thank you for getting this story where it is! You guys are amazing! XX

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