Chapter 22

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A/N: Slight smut towards the end. Wanted to give a heads up now.LOL..Enjoy..Guess you can't really call it smut..but anyways..enjoy


It's been a couple of days since Harry and I had that talk at his house. A couple of days of me thinking over what he said. I don't have therapy today so I am at home taking it easy a bit. I have been doing my exercises though. I can feel my leg getting stronger. It has it's moments at times; but all in all it's good. Right now I am doing the ones with the ankle weights. Just setting here watching the telly and raising my leg up and down and bending it in and out. I'm actually watching Grease. Louis' favorite movie. Shhh Don't tell him I am watching it without him. It just happen to come up while I was channel surfing. It's on the part where Sandy and Danny are at the Drive-In. One of my favorite scenes. I was so into the movie and doing my exercises that I didn't hear the door open and shut.

"Niall", Louis sing songed coming in

"Louis!", I said mocking his tone

"Me and some of the team is going out to the club tonight", He says coming into the living room. "You wanna go with?", He asks setting on the sofa next to me.

"Sounds like fun", I tell him. Looking over at him I see him glaring at me

"What? You asked-", I started

"You are watching MY movie without me??", he says interrupting me.

"Sorry Lou. It just came on and I didn't want to change the channel.

"yeah Yeah. Whatever", He says waving his hand around. "Anyway. So you wanna go?", He asks going back to the subject of the club

"Sure", I say. 'Think it will be fun. And it's been awhile since I've seen the lads.", I say leaning down to take the weights off my ankle.

"By the way", he starts. He's looking a bit nervous. "Ummm Liammaybegoingtoo", He spits out rapidly

"umm what?", I ask not sure of what he said.

"Liam may be going too", He says a nervous look on his face and he steps further from me. Did he think I was gonna hit him or something? Guess I can't blame the poor lad. I have been a bit touchy with the Liam situation.

"Okay. That will be fine", I say smiling at him.

"Ummm..okay", He says turning towards the stairs. "I guess I will um go get changed now", He says slowly looking at me confused. "Are you okay?", He asks. "Are you sick? Running a fever? Did someone kidnap my Niall and send in an imposter?", He asks smiling towards the end as his questions started getting silly

"Nah. I'm fine mate. Just somethings that Harry talked to me about kind of got to me", I explained. "Maybe it's time to listen to Liam and take in what he has said. And understand his side as well", I finish.

"okay then", he says going on up to his room. I get my phone and sent a quick text to Harry seeing if he wanted to go too. he sent a text back saying yes with kissy face emoji's.

I eventually make my way to the bathroom so I can get a shower. It's getting a bit easier to do as my leg is getting stronger and the pain is ceasing. However Louis likes to be here and close by just in case. Thankfully he was today. Not thinking that sometimes after doing my leg exercises in the mornings, my leg will cramp up a little til I walk on it and work it out. I got undressed and in the shower when it happened. I grabbed onto the rail so I wouldn't fall and screamed loudly

"Louis! Shit!", I screamed out. I may sound like a little baby or over-reacting, but I assure you I'm not. This hurts. Louis comes running into the bathroom, the door bouncing off the wall as it opens up.

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