Chapter 21

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A/N: Ahhh! double update! Yaaay! First time ever! Couldn't wait any longer to post this chapter! Who has heard Harry's new song Sweet Creature? OMG! I love it! Niall's is coming out on the fourth! Slow Hands. I swear those two are scheming together to see us all go crazy! HA! Okay! Enough of my babbling! Here's chapter 21. Harry's story. Kleenax maybe needed. Just a warning. :-)


After Harry left yesterday, I spent the rest of the evening/night just thinking about things. What he was wanting to show me and tell me. How to approach Liam. I know I for sure need to do that. Just so much going through my mind that I didn't realize I fell asleep til I heard my phone going off waking me up. I look at the time and it is 10 a.m. Holy shit I must have been tired. I don't think I even ate dinner last night. I picked up my phone as it buzzed nonstop. I looked at it and it was a bunch of texts from Harry

Harry-Good morning sunshine x

Harry-How'd you sleep NiBear? x

The texts went on and on. All of them making me blush more than the one before. especially the one I just recieved.

Harry-I had very sweet dreems about you *wink*  x

I opened the message up so I could respond to him

Niall-I slept good Haz. How about you? Oh you did, did you? You will have to tell me all about it *wink*n xx

I then got up and got my clean clothes and went into the bathroom to shower. The house was still quiet for being mid-morning. Louis must either still be in bed or not here. I got my shower done and got out to get dressed. i then made my way downstairs to find the kitchen and livingroom empty. I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat and found a note on the counter

I went to meet up with a few lads from the team. Will be back in time to take you to Harry's. You have Mcdonalds breakfast in the fridge. See ya soon mate


Oh yay! He got me food. I opened the fridge and found the bag on the top shelf. I took it over to the table and sat down. I found a thing of bicuits and gravy. A couple of hashbrowns. A stack of three pancakes. And a thing of scrambled eggs. He definitely knows me. I feel that it is a bit cold so I get up to put it in the microwave to heat it up some. While it's warming up I go to the fridge to get some juice. i seen a small container of chocolate milk and a small container of orange juice. Both from McDonalds. How did I miss these earlier? I shrug my shoulders shutting the fridge as I grab the container and go back to the microwave. A few seconds later it beeps. I grab my food out and go back to the table and set down. As I eat, I think of mine and Harry's conversation last night. I am a bit anxious to find out how today is going to go. Nervous too. i finish my breakfast absent mindely. Don't even recall eating it as my mind was elsewhere. I know! i must really be spaced out about this to not remember eating food! I clean up my mess and go to the livingroom turning on the telly. I go to netflix and find Friends. I set back and start watching an episode of that. I mean, it's friends. This show always makes me laugh. I'm watching the episode where Ross finds out about Joey and Rachael. He tries to act calm about it so he invites them over to his place a long with Charlie. He ends up getting drunk and burns his hands multiple times on hot pans. I find myself laughing so hard at his reactions. I set here and relax and watch episode after episode of this. I guess at one point I doze off. Waking up to someone shaking my shoulder

"Ni, wake up mate", I hear Louis say as I slowly open my eyes

"Hey", I say stretching some and letting out a yawn. "What time is it?", I ask

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