Chapter 25

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I am sleeping so good til I roll over and the sun is shining right in my face. What? Why? I open them slightly to see that I forgot to close my curtains last night. I glance at the clock and see that it is 8:00 in the morning. Way too early but I'm awake now, might as well get up. I go get a quick shower to wash off any dirt I may have aquired through the night, and to wake up a bit. I stand under the shower for a bit and let the water just flow over my body a bit. It relaxes every muscle in my body. I could stand like this all morning; but I don't because I don't wanna look like a prune. I get washed up and dried off and ready for the day. I head downstairs to get breakfast made up for Niall and I. Due to the silence that has over-taken the house, I take it that Niall is still asleep. I am confirmed correct when I walk by his room downstairs and hear soft snores coming from his room. He is just too adorable.

I get the pan out for the eggs and another one to fry up the bacon. I can do at least that much without burning the place down. I hope. I get the bread put in the toaster and get everything cooking. In the midst of it I hear a knock on the door. I am assuming it is Harry as it is close to nine and he stops by every morning to see Niall before heading to work. I go to let him in and hurry back to the kitchen so I don't burn the food.

"Would you like some coffee or tea?", I ask him as I scrape the eggs from the pan and onto plates.

"Coffee would be great, Thanks", Harry says as he sets down at the table

"Are you hungry?", I ask setting his coffee down in front of him

"I ate on the way", He says taking a sip of his coffee. "Thank you though. And this coffee is heaven".

"Thank you", I tell him setting mine and Niall's plates on the table. At that moment we heard a blood curdling scream come from his room

"Shit!", I say running to his room. Harry right on my heels. When I open the door the sight before me nearly knocks the breath out of me. He is rolling around on the bed, still asleep and screaming.

"Louis! Louis wake up! God no Louis! wake up! Don't do this to me! LOUIS!!!", is all he was screaming out

"What the hell?", Harry breathes out quietly. In shock in what he was seeing

I run over to the bed and gently rub his cheek. "He's having a nightmare", I explain to Harry.

"No shit", Harry says softly. "How long has this been going on?", He asks

"Off and on since the accident", I explain. "Niall, babe, wake up love. I'm right here. I'm okay", I say to Niall as I gently hold him in place and rub his cheek. I know some say not to abruptly wake them up or hold them down as it can make it worse. I don't ompletely hold him down. Pretty soon his eyes shoot open and he grabs me by the shirt

"Louis", He breathes out pulling me down to him by my shirt. We stay in position for a bit til he calms down some. I hear sniffling coming from behind me. I look to see Harry crying some. "Harry's here", I tell Niall gently. He gasps some.

"He seen me like this", He breathed out. He then dried his eyes and sat up some. I got up to go get him some water and he grabbed me by the shirt. "Don't leave", He says looking up at me. He is always vulnerable and cuddly after one of his nightmares.

"I'm just getting you some water love", I tell him as I get up off the bed. "Go ahead and set with him", I tell Harry who is still standing there in shock and tears."It's okay Harry. He's okay", I tell him as I squeeze his shoulder.

"My mum and sister said I did the samething after my accident. Had nightmares", He explained. "I just didn't know how much it affected them til now", He says still in a daze staring at Niall. He walks over to him and sets down on the bed by him. I stand there in the door way a bit to make sure Niall will be okay. Usually after something like this he wants me to cuddle him as it's me he thinks he lost. I smile as I see him lean into Harrys arms.

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