Chapter 8

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"My baby you're awake!", My mum exclaims with tear-filled eyes.

"I'm not dreaming?", I croak out from a dry throat

"No baby you're not dreaming", She says as she runs her fingers through my hair, getting it out of my eyes. I look and see Louis and Cassie standing at the foot of the bed. They have sympathetic smiles on their faces.

"I'm happy to see those blue eyes again", Cassie says with watery eyes. "I've missed them"

"What happened Louis?", I croak out. Mum hands me a cup of water to sip from. That felt refreshing

"We got into an accident Ni", Louis tells me walking to the side of my bed. "We won the championship and we were heading out to celebrate with the team. Out of no where a car slams into us on your side", He explains. Tears are now going down his cheeks. "I didn't see it coming. It happened so fast. I am so sorry Ni", He says now full on crying

"Oh you're awake!", A male voice exclaims as he walks into my room. I just nod my head. Still trying to take everything in. Accident. Championship. Okay so I didn't dream that, it really happened.

"Championship for what Lou?", I ask ignoring the doctor for now. Louis just looks at me a bit concerned

"We play footie for the Rovers, Ni", Louis explains to me.

"Oh? Oh!", I say as it slowly comes back to me. "Yeah, I remember", I say softly a small smile creeping up on my face. "Best times", I say to no one in particular. That's when the room got quiet and everyone just looked at each other and then to the doctor with questioning looks.

"You haven't told him yet?", The doctor asked.

"Told me what?", I ask looking around at everyone

"Not yet", My mum answered softly. "He just woke up and we were explaining what happened.

"Told me what!?!", I then scream out the best I can to get someones attention. "I'm right here. Quit talking like I'm deaf or stupid! Now! Tell me what the hell is going on? What do you need to tell me!?!", I yelled out. Everyone's attention is now on me. Finally

"Mr. Hor-", He started. I put my hand up to hush him

"Niall. Call me Niall. This is not business, it is personal. So please call me Niall", I say trying not to sound too hateful.

"Okay. Niall. As you can tell your movement is limited. You do have a neck brace on. Your right leg is in a cast from where it joins your body all the way down to your foot. When the car hit it broke your thigh bone and did some damage to your knee. We had to do surgery on both. At the sametime you had a brain bleed that we needed to get under control. It wasn't a bad one though. Due to the seatbelt restricting your movement when your body reacted to the impact, some damage was done to your spine. A Haematoma which is restricting your spine a bit. These things can be fixed. Maybe not 100% but close to if you cooperate. It will take extensive rehabilitation. But can be done. You will have to retrain your brain as well to learn to walk again. Will take a lot of work. It can be painful and aggrivating. But if you want to walk again you will do this. The cast will have to be on your leg for about 6-8 weeks, depending. We will start theorapy before then, though. The guy that will be doing this is real good. He has had a lot of cases over the years and very positive outcomes with him. I believe he is also a fan of you guys", He explains to us. A smile appearing at the end as he looks between Louis and I.

"Will I ever be back on the field again?", I ask hesitantly. Everyone goes quiet again. "Stop shutting up around me and just answer my damn question!?!", I say aggrivated at the silence. "Will I ever be able to play again?"

"No Niall. It is very unlikely that you will play again", The doctor explains. "Too much damage was done. You will walk, yes. But to play extensively like that again, no probably not."

"Then why in the hell would I wanna walk again? Footie is all I've ever known! If I can't play, to hell with walking! Just let me lay in bed all day not doing a damn thing!", I holler out. Louis grabs my hand to comfort me. My mum grabbing my other. Cassie rubbing my foot. I look around at them all. "Leave! Everyone just leave! Please!", I say as I break down crying. I'm so agrrivated and pissed off. I wanna see the person that did this to me and cause them just as much damage. "Please. I just wanna be alone for awhile", I tell them. They all give their hugs and then they were out the door. "I love you Ni", My mum says as she walks out the door. I know she does. But right now I just wanna scream and I don't want them to be the ones I lash out on. I can't even turn away from everyone. I can't lay on my side. I can't move my head. I just wanna turn on my side away from the world. But I can't. I can just lay on my back and stare at the damn ceiling. I shut my eyes and try to go back to sleep. But everytime I close my eyes I see that scene. The car hitting us. pain shooting through my body. Darkness. I hate it. And now I find out that I may never play again! Someone so chose to take that from me without asking me first! I wanna throw something so bad. Even hit someone. Yeah hitting someone would feel so good right now. Throwing something and hitting them with it would feel even better. The only thing I can throw that's not attatched to something is this mug full of water. I grab it and throw it towards the door I am assuming as I hear a gasp from that direction

"Trying to hurt me already Niall?", I hear a raspy deep voice say from the door way. I move my eyes to that direction and see that the mug barely missed his head as it hit the wall right beside the door entry. Ooops. he then walks to my bed and sets his clipboard down on my bed table. He sets in the chair that once occupied my mum just a few minutes ago. I get a closer look at him. He has I'm assuming long hair as it is pulled back into a bun. he has dimples. Cute. What? Nope not going there. His eyes are an emarald green. Don't ask me about anything else. Once I seen his eyes I couldn't look from there.

"I am Doctor Styles. But you may call me Harry. As we are going to be spending quite a bit of time together. Might as well start off on a first name basis.", Harry says putting his hand out for me to shake. I just keep looking at him like an idiot.

"Can you help me walk again?", I ask him after a few minutes

"Yes, I can", He answers. "I am also a psyche theorapist. You need to talk or lash out, I am here for that as well", He explains. I blink my eyes in acknowledgement as I can't nod my head at the moment.

"Can you get me well enough to play footie again?", I ask. He just looks at me for a bit

"I'm good Niall. I'm great actually. The best around this area and the surrounding areas. But, I don't think your body will be up to playing on the field again. I'm so sorry", He says.

"Sorry? You're sorry! You have just said that my career has ended and you're just sorry! If you can't help me then just get the hell out!", I scream at him. Wanting to throw something at him again, but unable to find anything.

"Niall you can scream at me. You can throw things at me. But I'm not going anywhere. I am not that easy to get rid of", Harrys says with a grin. Oh God. There's those damn dimples. Niall stop! he's you're enemy. He can't help you. I think to myself.

"Well, you are gonna leave my room now", I tell him as I point to the door. "And tell the doctor to bring me something for pain"

"I'll be back later then", Harry says as he gets up to leave

"Whatever Dr. Styles", I say as I close my eyes and act as if he's not there. Tired of everyone saying my career is done. i want so bad for that stupid driver to walk in my room right now so I can throw something at him.

A/N: Here is this chapter. Niall is awake. He has met Harry. He's being told that even with extensive theorapy his career is done. What do you think of his thoughts on Harry? How do you think he will handle the theorapy? Sorry it is short and kind of bounces around a bit on Niall's emotions. Hope you still enjoy it. Please vote and tell me what you think or what you want to see happen. Much love xx Shout out to justxnarryx for the idea and help on how extensive Nialls injuries are. Thank you xx

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