Chapter 36

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A/N:This may be the longest authors note I've done, but it's for a great reason. I'm sure all of you have heard by now that Anne and Gemma and Harry have had to say goodbye to a wonderful man. Robin was known by all of us as Harry's step-dad, but I think their relationship was more of a father-son..not step. Robin loved Gemma and Harry like his own and treated Anne as the queen that she is. He has always shown kindess to the fans as well. To all the boys. He was just a kind soul.During this time, let's be here for them but at the sametime respect their privacy. Don't throw hate or lash out at the others because we don't see them tweeting Harry. We know how private Harry is. My guess they are keeping in touch privately. I know none of you would throw hate, I guess I just felt the need to throw that out there. My heart aches for Anne as we seen how happy Robin made her. She has lost her husband..her best friend..her confidant. The song I have at the top does not go for the chapter. It is for Robin, Anne, Harry, and Gemma. may God give them the peace they need to get through this time. Ohhh As you can see the cover has changed. Thank you again NazzaStylan for the lovely cover!!!!


It's been a couple of days since our little run in with Harry's ex. I've been trying to forget about it, but I just can't. He has been reassuring me that there is no way he is going back to him. And he promises me that they definitely didn't get married. Right now he is upstairs taking a shower as we are having lunch with Gemma and her friend Andi. I was getting something for breakfast made up for Harry and I when I heard his phone vibrate on the cabinet. I went to grab it just in case it was Gemma and to my disappointment, it wasn't Gemma, but that other guy.

Hey Harry I miss you. Was so good seeing you the other day. Could tell you still wanted me. Why don't we meet up without your boyfriend. I know you want to. Messege me a time and I will be there love xx

I put the phone down and go back to what I was doing. I know he is trying to start shit,but at the sametime I can't help but wonder what if Harry really does want him back. I'm letting my thoughts get the best of me, and now all I want to do is throw his phone and bust it. Or text the guy and tell him to go fùck himself. But i know doing that will only make him happy that he got a response out of me. I hear Harry coming down the stairs whistling to himself as he enters the kitchen. Makes so many emotions go through me at once. He comes up behind me to kiss my cheek. I pick up his phone and hand it to him nudging him away as I do.

"What's this?", He asks holding his phone. "Why are you acting like this?"

"You tell me", I say to him going to set down at the table. He just looks at me and then opens his phone

"Oh", He says reading the text.

"Is that all you can say?", I ask him trying to keep some emotions at bay just in case I am over reacting.

"I don't know what else to say Niall. I am just as shocked as you are. I love you please know that", He says as he comes over to me and starts giving me kisses on my cheek.

"Let's just get ready to go meet your sister Harry", I say standing up. I don't want to ruin this day, so I will try to ignore how I feel and give Harry the benefit of the doubt.

We make our way to the diner that Gemma has chosen. I put on a smile and force myself to laugh when he makes a joke. I hate feeling this way. I want to trust and believe Harry. Then why can't I? What is keeping me from trusting him and ignoring that text? My own insecurities? Maybe. I suppose so.

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