Chapter 53

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I have been thinking about this so much for the last few days. Have been trying to think of the perfect way to do it. I have an idea so I call up Louis as I am gonna need his help for it.

"Oh God Louis", I hear followed by "Shhh baby..'Ello", Louis answers causing me to cringe a bit. Something you don't want to hear is your mates going at it when you call them

"Umm..yeah..Louis? Did I call you at a bad time", I say clearing my throat and trying to get that image out of my head, Because..NO..No..No!!

"No- shit baby, yes!", He moans into the phone. "What you-shit fuck Li..need Haz?", He asks. Oh God they're not stoping!!

"uumm..There is something I wanna do for Niall, but I need your help with it", I explain trying to ignore Liams' moaning and groaning in the back ground

"What is it haz? Shit..fuck Li! Are you needing to tell Niall you're pregnant?", He jokes

"What!?! NO!", I yell out over the phone laughing a bit. "But I think I called at a bad time. Don't wanna hear what you guys are doing and Niall is calling so I will let you go. Bye Lou", I rush out before I hear anything else from them. Niall is actually calling so I switch the call over to him

"Hi baby!", I exclaim through the phone

"Hi baby", Niall responds. "Are you busy?", he asks softly. I can feel his smile from the other side of the phone

"No baby. Actually I am at home today. No therapy patients till tomorrow", I explain. "What's up?", I ask him

"Was wondering if you would be up to coming to the hospital this morning? A certain little girl is anxious to meet you", He explains. "Oh and thank you for the sweet letter you left me this morning", He says

He is referring to the letter I left in his wallet before going to bed last night.

"You're welcome baby. And thank you for the breakfast and sweet note you left as well love", I reply. "And yes! I would love to go to the hospital this morning. Sure beats listening to your mates go at it over the phone", I exclaim shaking my head to get the images to leave.

"Oh God! My poor baby", Niall says. "I take it you called and they didn't stop", He says laughing.

"Yep!", I answer. "Let me get appropriately dressed and I will be there", I tell him.

"Yeah, don't need anyone seeing what is mine and only mine to see", He says laughing. We exchange 'I Love yous'  and hang up

I quickly get dressed in a pair of skinny jeans that Niall loves so much and my red silk button up shirt. Yeah, gonna tease him a bit. And of course my brown boots. they're a little warn but comfortable. I then grab my keys and wallet and head out the door. Traffic isn't too bad with it being mid morning. Niall likes getting to the hospital early as Naomi loves waking up to seeing him. I definitely understand what she means, as do I. They eat breakfast together the last couple of mornings. It's so sweet what he is doing for this little girl. Some may wonder if I am jealous or upset that I don't wake up to him every morning. The answer is..Absolutely not! I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was already at the hospital til I pulled into a parking spot. I got out and made my way to the entrance. Looking around to find the elevator and make my way to the floor Niall had told me. I get in and push the button and patiently wait for it to get to the designated floor. When it finally does, I step off and stand in the floor looking around for the right door. I spot it on the right side and head down. It is a secured area. The door remains locked at all times. You have to talk to someone before getting the okay to enter.

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