Chapter 6

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Jay and Eleanor have been by Louis' bed watching over him while he sleeps. They have catnapped off and on as well. I am setting by Maura with my laying on her shoulder. She is like my second mum and I am comfortable enough with her to just cuddle into her side like a daughter does with her mum. We have slept off and on as well. Maura rests her eyes but I'm not so sure she has slept much. Not sure how long I was asleep this time. I stand up to stretch my body and bit and walk around the room some. I look over towards Louis and see Jay on one side of him and Eleanor on the other. Both of them have their heads laying on the bed close to him, their arms being used as pillows. I look at the clock and see that Niall has been in surgery for a little over three hours now. A doctor needs to come talk to us like now would be nice.

"You okay girl?", Eleanor whispers from her spot trying not to wake anybody up

"I guess so", I answer her. "Just wish someone would come let us know how NiNi is doing", I say to her. And now I am crying again. My sobbing ends up waking Jay and Maura up

"You girls okay?", Jay asks. All I can do is shake my head no cause now I am full on crying now.

"Ohh sweetheart", Maura says as she comes over to me. Her eyes all red and puffy and dried teer tracks on her cheeks. Maura and I stand there in a hug comforting each other for I don't know how long when a doctor comes back in.

"Mrs. Horan?', The doctor asks

"Here", Maura says as she walks over to him.

"Umm..may I speak to you in private?", The doctor says

"No sir. We are all family and I want them with me when you tell me whatever it is you need to tell me", Maura explains

"Niall is out of surgery", He starts

"What? Where is he?", Louis asks now wide awake and setting straight up in the bed. He was sound asleep.

"He is in the ICU", The doctor explained. We all knew this was news that we would want to hear sitting down so we all took our previous spots. "We stopped the bleeding and got his leg fixed up a bit. But we had to put him under a medical induced coma so that his body can rest. he is hooked up to a few machines right now so the sight of him will be a bit terrifying. Just know that all these machines are helping him and right now he is feeling no pain at all.", The doctor explained

"My baby!", Maura screamed out. Had she been standing up she woulda went to the floor.

"Niall!", Louis screams out at the same time. "Who did this to him? Who was the driver of that vehicle?", Louis asked frantically as he was trying to get out of his bed

"Son, no you cannot get up love! And you are not going to hunt him down", Jay said as she tried to lovingly put him back in his bed

"I am not allowed to give out that information", The doctor said

"I wanna know so I can go kick is ever loving ass!", Louis spits out.

"And that is one of the reasons I cannot tell you. The other is patient/doctor confidentiality.", The doctor explained. "The officers may be able to tell you soon. But I am not allowed to". Jay finally got Louis to calm down a bit

"Can I go see my boy?", Maura asks as she stands up, her legs a bit shakey.

"Yes, you can. Only two at a time though", he explained.

"You tow go", Louis said pointing at Maura and I. "I mean of course Maura is, but you go with her, Cassie", he said. "I'm gonna wait a bit so I can calm down some". Maura and I nod our heads and walk out the room with the doctor.

"Have you looked outside?", The doctor asked

"No. Why?", Maura asked.

"Niall must be loved a lot. There is a slew of fans standing outside with candles burning  and holding signs up wishing him a Louis a fast recovery", The doctor explained. "I will inform Louis. But I wanted to tell you so that you could see how many people are pulling together for your son. For Niall. How many people love him. I'm not gonna say that I am 100% sure that he will pull through this. But I have seen worse cases pull through. And I can tell your son is strong and he will fight his way back to you. That is what I am believing and hoping for", The doctor said. I love how he gave us hope without promises. That there is hope for him. "Okay", He says as we stop in front of a room. "This is Nialls room. Just prepare yourselves for what you will see", He says calmly. Maura nods her head and directs him to open the door. We walk in and both gasp. The sight before us is heart breaking. He looks so lifeless. There are so many machines. One to watch his heart rate, his oxygen level. He has I.V.'s in his arms. A tube down is throat for feeding. Another tube for oxygen. You name it, he's on it. I can't move. I just stand there with my hand over my mouth and teers going down my cheeks. Maura carefully walks over to him and stands by his bed. She holds his hand and leans down to kiss his cheek.

"My baby boy", She says softly as she runs her fingers through his hair gently. "I love you so much. Please, oh pleas, come back to me. You have so many rooting for you. Cassie is in here with me. Eleanor and Jay are here. Louis is awake and wanting to see you. You both have so many fans standing outside hoping you pull through", Maura softly says to him. She then goes quiet and just stands there and admires this angel in front of her. Her baby. Her son. Her everything. She then speaks again. "I wish there was something I could do for you love. whatever it is I would do it. Please wake up and tell me what to do to help you like you have always done.", She cries out. I stay standing back a little so she can have her moment with her baby boy. Pretty soon she waves me over and tells me to stand on the other side of him. I do as she says because nobody goes against Maura and what she tells you to do. You just don't.

"I'm here Niall. It's Cassie", I tell him as I hold his hand. "I miss you. I miss your smile and the way you would make me laugh. Please NiNi, please. don't leave me. Not now. Not ever. You're my best friend Nialler. You're the one that helps me in situations like this and now here you are not able to. I'm lost Niall. I don't know what to do", I cry out. I can't say anymore as I am back to crying and my voice is failing me. I set there for awhile longer and then get up to leave. I need a little breather. All of this is getting to me physically and emotionally.

"You stay in here Maura. He is your son and you shouldn't switch out with anyone. I will go let someone else come in. But you stay with him if you want", I tell her as I hug her

"Thank you dear", She says. I then leave the room and stand outside the door and take a deep breath. The teers come back but now I am crying harder. The kind of crying that takes your breath away and causes your whole body to shake. I then just slide down the wall and set on the floor. Unable to take anymore steps. My knees are pulled to my chest and my arms are wrapped around my knees. My face buried in the crook of my arms. "God please don't take him from me! Niall please wake up!", I scream in my head.

A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter. Another emotional one. But now we know the extent of Nialls injuries and what they are doing to help him. Shout out to justxnarryx for the idea of the medical induced coma. Another thank you to andi0805 for the idea for this book. Your idea is now coming to life. I hope this is everything you were hoping it would be so far :-) Please vote and leave your thoughts or ideas in the comments! You guys are amazing and I appreciate each and everyone of you! Much love xx

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