Chapter 38

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A/N: A new character gets announced in this chapter! I love this guy! We all know him from Grey's Anatomy and other movies! I looked him up and yes he loves soccer and infact helps coach his son! Sooo..I am bringing him into the story! Enjoy!


I am currently setting at the kitchen table going through my emails. I got one from the coach that I will be working with giving me the names of the kids on our team. I write that down and get their emails from him. He is wanting me to send out what day we will have our first meeting. Harry is making cupcakes for the hell of it. He loves being busy in the kitchen. Louis and Liam for once are in the living room playing FIFI instead of hiding in the bedroom.

The other coach as I have come to know as Patrick Dempsey, is making phone calls as I am sending emails. I hear he is fun to coach with. A great guy indeed. I just hope he's a fan and don't hate me..ha ha ha. I was so into the emails and getting things sent and written in my folder that I didn't notice Harry standing beside me until he was wiping something on my face. I looked up and seen frosting all over his hands and it was now all over my face. And of course he was standing there laughing at me.

"Oh it is so on now Styles", I say as I get up and go over to the counter. I get a big blob of frosting on my finger and also grab a frosted cupcake. Harry runs into the living room laughing as I chase after him.

He falls down on the couch as I hover over him. He has his arms up trying to hold me back. I reach down and smear the frosting on his face, followed by smearing the cupcake on his face as well.

"Niall!", He squeals out. Now I'm the one laughing.

"Here, let me clean it off", I tell him bending down close to his face. I run my tongue up his face, licking the cake and frosting off. He let out a soft moan as I did

"Alright you two!", we hear from the floor where Louis and Liam are setting. "No sex on the couch!", Louis says not taking his eyes off the telly.

"Fine!", Harry says getting off the couch causing me to fall to the floor. "We will right here then", Harry says laying on top of me.Both of us laughing

"Oh! God no!", Liam says getting up and going to the couch.

"Fine then!", I say getting off the floor. "Party poopers", I say as I help Harry off the floor.

"Let's play some Mario Cart!", Louis exclaims changing the subject.

We all cheer and grab a controller as Louis switches out the games. Harry and Liam are setting on the couch. Louis and I are on the floor. I am leaning against the couch in between Harry's legs as Louis is doing the same by Liam.

"Louis!", I exclaim as he rams me into a wall..again

"Well, pay attention Ni", Louis says nudging me. I can't help it if I am setting between the legs that are attatched to a very gorgeous man.

"Who is behind and who is in front?", Liam asks as he makes his character speed around the track.

"Ummm, Li, you should know the answer to that one", Louis answers leaning back giving Liam a wink

"Just depends", Harry answers causing me to go red. "Usually I am behind, but if I get tired, Niall will come around and give me a little push", Harry replies winking at me.

"We kind of share that actually", Liam says looking down at Louis. "But I was actually talking about the game you dirty minded fools", Liam says laughing.

"Oh I don't know then", I say coughing. "We've all been all over the track", I say laughing

"Yes, cause Louis here likes pushing people out of the way. Very bossy and dominant", Harry says

"Feel for ya in the bedroom mate", I say to Liam laughing causing him to blush a bit

"Hey, don't let the lad fool ya. He loves bossy Louis", Louis says looking at Liam winking at him.

"Alright! Okay! Let's get back to the game", Liam says laughing shyly.

"You're the one that brought it up mate", Harry says nudging him

"Yeah! The game!", Liam says. "You fools had to turn it into a sexual conversation".

Just as we were all approaching the finish line my phone starts going off. I ignore it as I continue pushing them out of my way

"Aren't you gonna answer that babe?", Harry says as he gets his car back away from the wall.

"In a minute", I say steering my car

"You know how I hate a ringing phone", Liam says now setting up a bit asn the tension in the room gets thicker.

I look down at my phone to see that it is Patrick calling. We exchanged numbers earlier through emails. Now my attention is on that instead of the game, causing me to ram into the wall and the others pass by me like the wind.

"Well dammit!", I say playfully as I put the controller down and grab my phone. The others laugh and cheer as I diall the number to call Patrick back. I leave the room so I can hear him better. As I leave I hear Harry talking to Liam.

"So, Li, Niall and I don't know much about you", Harry says as they all put their controllers down. "Where do you work? What's your family like?", Harry asks smiling. I'm standing in the kitchen but can see into the living room.

"Ummm..well", Liam says as the smile on his face fades into a slight frown. Hmm..wonder what that's all about

A/N: A bit short and boring. Just another filler. But have a new character coming in. And about to hear Liam's back story. Wonder what is going on..Thank you all for your love and support. Much love xx

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