Chapter 26

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"Niall!", I heard as a very familiar person came darting at me. Someone following after her

"Gemma!", I said mocking her tone when she got closer to me. I had to brace myself so that she didn't knock me over when she hugged me. "Thank you for coming Gems", I tell her after hugging her. I look behind her and see another girl standing there with wide eyes and her mouth slightly open in awe. "Hi", I say to her with a friendly smile. Gemma pulled away from me and pulled her friend closer to where we were standing.

"H-Hi", she says smiling

"I'm Niall", I tell her sticking out my hand

"I-I'm Andrea. Friends call can call me Andi", She says shaking my hand. "I thought Gems was lying", She says laughing a bit

"I hope you don't mind that I brought her along", Gemma says smiling a bit

"No. No I don't mind at all", I tell them both

"I had to come cause I thought Gems was losing her mind again", Andi says a little less nervous now. "Now I wanna make sure I'm not losing mine", She says laughing

"Nope, nobody's losing their minds", I say laughing

"Well..", Gemma says laughing

"Okay..not including your brother", I say causing us all to laugh.

"Okay, let's go talk to this guy and see what we can get done", I say as we make our way into the shop. We are currently at a bike shop looking at getting a bike for Harry.

"Lead the way big guy!", Gemma says as we make our way inside

"Hi. What can I help you with today?", an older gentleman said walking up to us

"Yes, we are looking for a bike that is set up for someone that has a prosthetic leg", I explained. He nods his head and looks like he's thinking a bit

"His prosthetic starts a little below his knee", Gemma explained

"Can we have it look like this a little?", Andi asks not so shyly now, as she hands him a picture of Harry's bike before the wreck. The guy took it and looked over it a bit.

"I think we have something like this on the lot", He says leading is out to where the bikes are on show. "Which leg is it that is hurt?", He asked us.

"His right one", I answered

"Okay. We have one where the gear change is on the left food feed and you can still speed it up on the hand grips", He explains

"That would be perfect", Gemma exclaims looking at me for agreement. I nod with a smile

"Alright. Let's go look at it and see what you think. It is one of our newer models. And it's like the one in the picture", He tells us. We follow him back out to the lot and I glance around at all the bikes he has set out. A few of them catching my eye. And then we stop. But of course I was too caught up in looking around that I didn't know we stopped til I ran into poor Andi and about knocked her over. And nearly knocking over a couple of bikes in the process

"Shit. So sorry", I say as I compose my clumbsy self

"You've definitely been around my brother too much", Gemma says laughing.

"Here's the bike I was talking about", the guy says catching our attention; laughing a bit himself.

We stand there and look over it in awe. Very nice. Almost like his other one except a newer model and a sparkly blue color.

"I think he will like this one", Gemma says smiling. At that moment her phone rang. "It's Harry. I will take it over here so you guys can discuss the bike", She says walking away from us as she answers Harrys call

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