Chapter 45

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When the female in the bleachers was pointed out to us, I grabbed Gemma by the arm and pulled her along with me.

"Owww", She says rubbing her arm where I grabbed her

"Sorry Gem", I say leading her to the bleachers

"What's so important that you thought pulling my arm out of socket was necessary?", Gem asked laughing a bit

"So dramatic Gem", I say causing us both to laugh some. "We are gonna pay that woman a little visit", I tell her.

"We can't make a scene here, We are at a childrens event", Gem says as we walk closer to the bleachers.

"I'll play nice Gem", I tell her causing her to laugh at me. "What? I can play nice", I tell her trying to be serious. We both know how I can be at times. Especially in times like these

"Okaaay. If you say so", She says.

We get to the bleachers and climb up to the third one where she is setting. I sit on one side and Gemma sets on the other.

"Soo, have you heard about that Niall Horan dude dating that Harry guy?", I asked leaning over looking at gemma. Thankfully she caught on to what I was saying

"Yes! They are so adorable together!", Gemma exclaims.

"It's a shame that the media is trying to slam them", I say

"I know. And the people that are giving false information just for money", Gemma says

"I know. There's no way Niall would cheat on him with some chic", I say.

"And I know for a fact Harry isn't married", Gemma says

The more we talked the more we noticed the girl between us fidgeting a bit. We kept talking about the articles as if we didn't know who she was or that we knew the two lads personally. She finally got tired of our conversation and got up and walked away. I looked at Gemma and nodded my head towards the direction that lady went. She got what I was saying and we got up to follow her. We followed her over to where that guy is.

"That little bitch!", Gemma says. "She is walking towards Harry's Ex!", she says walking faster. Our suspicions are correct. I start walking faster to keep up with Gem. That girl has speed when she is pissed and on a mission. Louis and Liam are still there with him. Louis yelling at the guy.

"I have every reason to kick your ass right here!", Louis yells out. Thankfully we are far enough away not to interrupt anyone that is watching the little ones practice.

"Get off him!", The girl yells out

"No! You back off!", Gemma says. "You need to leave my brother and Niall alone!", She yells out. The girl just looks at her funny

"That's right we know them and we know who you two are!", I say pointing at the two. "Whatever you two are up to better stop now!", I say.

"Why would I do that?", She asks sarcastically. "For every article that is written we get a sum of money", She says. "Me being a single mom like the money"

"How do you two know each other?", Liam asks suspiciously

"He's my boyfriend", She says causing us to look at each other

"So you're dating him and tryin to get with Niall..or act as if you're getting with him..for money?", I ask. "Are you not man enough to support her?", I ask looking at the guy. That hit his ego hard.

"I am!", He exclaims

"And you're dating her yet saying you're married to Harry?", Liam says. "This is good stuff guys", Liam says laughing and looking at us.

That got the two money hungry leeches' attention quickly

"Oh yes this would make a great story for the press", Gemma says with a big smile

"The headlines would read..Harry Styles (Boyfriend of Niall Horan) supposed husband cheating on him with a Girl!!", I say my hands spread out in the air. "Or..or..."I say excitedly.."Sleazy girlfriend of Harry Styles Ex trying to get with Niall horan!..Oh this is great stuff guys!", I say looking at Gemma and Louis and Liam.

"Is Harry Styles really married?...Or are people just money hungry?..Is Niall really cheating on Harry or is this another story from imaginary minds? Read further to find out", Louis said. "That's what the headlines will read when we go to the reporters.", Louis says. "Oh! Wait!", He says excitedly making us jump a little. "Wasn't our Rovers coach talking to them here soon to get these reports/stories dropped? Maybe we should go to him with our findings so he can turn them in. Press charges even since the lies are against the Rovers as well", Louis says with excitement and a smile on his face

"Yes! Let's do that!", Gemma says

"Can I just take the sleaze bag down and get it over with?", I ask. Earning 'No' from Gemma and the two lads beside me. "Fine then. Let your coach have all the fun then", I say in a little pout

"Wait!", the loser said anxiously. "Please don't turn us in like that. We don't wanna be all over the papers", He says

"Ohh pour wittle baby", Gemma says. "But it's okay to slander others with lies and bullshit? I don't think so", Gemma says

"You have tomorrow to go to the reporters and get the stories corrected and dropped or you will be turned in", Louis says

"But you have to have proof", Sleaze bag says. That's my name for her cause I can't be bothered to learn her name

"Oh but we do", Liam says.

With that we turned on our heels to walk back towards the car.

"Oh!", Gemma turns around to look at them. "If I ever see you around my brother or Niall again, I will personally f.uck up your lives", Gemma Says and we walked off leaving two stunned people standing there. I sure feel sorry for her little boy being raised by a scandalous mom.

"Has anyone heard from Harry or Niall?", Gemma asked as we got back in the vehicle.

"I heard from Niall earlier", Louis explained. "He is still keeping it quiet on where they are. They even turned off their locations on their phone so no one can track them", Louis said

"I hope they're okay and that no one followed them", Gem said. We then headed back to Louis and Liams place to watch movies and chill a bit.

What none of them knew is there were was 'someone' taking pictures and recording their conversation

A/N: Sorry this is so short. I wanted to make a little filler on what Gemma and the crew were up to. I hope you enjoyed it.
What proof do you think Liam was talking about?
Do you think those two losers will stop their shit?
Who do you think the mysterious person is that was lurking around?
Much love to all of you XX

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