Chapter 2

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It's been a couple of days since the little incident at school. Cassie had minor bruises. But Eleanore had bruises on her arms, her side, and on her cheek. Those girls didn't show up to class afterwards. We later heard they got suspended for a week. It is now Friday and everyone is pumped up for the game tomorrow.  We are just getting to school and heading to the doors.

"I don't want to go in there", Eleanore says as she stops at the entrance. "I feel so humiliated. I know it's been two days, but I've been absent. I'm sure they have a few words to say to me", She says shyly.

"I'm not gonna lie", Louis says. "They have been making remarks and saying things but you are with us. Just ignore them and go on your merry little way. We will deal with them if need be"

"You're my girl. I'm not gonna let them get to you", Cassie says. we then make our way through the doors and towards our lockers. As we walk down the hall people are pointing and talking. Eleanore stops in the hall and turns around to everybody.

"Shit", Louis mutters out. If there's one thing we know about Eleanore, she wont let people gawk at her. She wont be the one to be made a fool.

"Awe! Look!My fans are making time to talk about me and notice me today!", Eleanore exclaims sarcastically.

"we're not your fans bitch!", Some chic hollers out. "How dare you think you can get two of our cheerleaders suspended!"

"They did it themselves asshole! And I must be pretty important for you guys to waist your morning and time to talk about me and gawk at me! But I have no time for you losers!", She said as she started walking down the hall again. "I swear to God stupid people piss me off!", She shouted out as we made our way to the lockers. We stopped at mine and Louis' and then we walked the girls to theirs.

"You go Eeanore!", Someone shouted as we got to her locker.

"Yeah, don't let them assholes bring you down", Someone else said. Eleanore just smiled and nodded her head as we headed off to class.

The day has been a little eventful but nothing serious. Some asking how El is and others acting as if nothing has happened. We sat at our normal table at lunch and talked about plans for the weekend.

"You girls gonna come watch us play tomorrow?", I asked them while we ate.

"Yes boys we will", Cassie answers.

"I'm a bit nervous", Louis lets out. "Scouts from my favorite professional team will be there", He explained

"I hear ya mate", I respond. "I'm a bit nerved me self", I say.

"You both will do great! They will want you", Eleanore says with a smile.

"How about a hang out at my place tonight", Louis suggests. We all nod our heads in agreement and make that a plan.

"I will bring snacks", Cassie says

"Please do so that Niall will have something to eat besides what we have", Louis says jokingly

"I can't help that I love food and my belly is a bottomless pit", Niall says acting offended

"We know", El says while laughing. The bell then rings to go back to class

"So, my place after school then", Louis says as we all go our seperate ways

The rest of the day was the usual. School lessons. Listening to boring teachers. Listen to the preps act like they know it all. I may be captain of the Footie team, but because I don't 'hang' with jocks and cheerleaders, I'm just here. Grant you, having friends in school is good, but that's not the reason I wanted the Captain position. I wanted it because it would look good on my record. And trust me I had to work hard to get that spot. Louis is Co-Captain, but if you wanna know the truth we kind of share the Captains spot. We both had to work double hard to get it. On the team and in school lessons. We did it because this is what we love to do. This is what we know. This is our future. The final bell of the day rings and I quickly grab my things and shove it into my bag and rush out of the room and to my locker. I open it to throw my things in it when it is suddenly slammed shut on me

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