Chapter 54

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A/N; Thank you all for the lovely comments on the last chapter! You guys are amazing and have helped make this story what it has become! Much love to all you lovely readers!


This morning I have to be at the therapy clinic as I have a few clients today. I still have yet to find time to talk to Louis. But today I am making the time as I am anxious to talk to him. I have an idea of what I want to do.  Niall is at the hospital again this morning. We had breakfast together and talked about our plans for the day. He is so dedicated to those kids. It literally warms my heart to no end. My last client for the morning is at eleven. And not needed back til two. So I am planning to go meet Louis at eleven and then head to the hospital afterwards to see Niall and Naomi.

"Morning Mr. Styles", The nurse at the desk says as I walk into the clinic.

"Morning", I say walking up to the desk

"Here's Kyles folder", she says handing the folder over to me. "His doctor sent over a report for you to look over. It should be in the folder", She says smiling up at me.

"Thank you, Elise", I say as I grab the folder and walk over to where Kyle was already waiting on me.

Kyle is in his mid twenties. Arrogant thing, he is. Well he was when he first came in here. I had to knock him down a notch or two. He had is arm partly cut off from a hunting accident. The doctors were able to salvage it and attach it back on. But he lost part feeling and part usage of it. His therapy is to help him use that hand again. He wont never have 100 percent of it back, but he can use it. At first he had a pity me attitude. An asshole attitude. Til I showed him my leg and told him to drop the attitude. At least he still has his limb as I lost mine. He dropped his attitude a bit but still gets it every so often.

"Morning Kyle", I say as I read over the report. "I see you have lapsed on your exercises that i gave you to do for your hand and arm", I say looking down at him

"Don't need them", He says shrugging his shoulders

"You may feel you don't, but you do. They help keep the muscles active and keep the pain down a bit", I explain to him. "Will strengthen the muscles to where you will be able to use it more", I explain further.

"Whatever. Can we just get on with this. I have other plans after this", He says. Because of his attitude and lack of doing his exercises at home, I add more for him to do today. i am not gonna allow him to waste my time when I would rather be else where then here dealing with an arrogant lazy arse. After an hour of him bitch and moan, his session is done. The comes in one of my favorites. A little boy about ten years old. He is dealing with his incident better than a grown ass man is. But that's the thing about children. They are resilient. Sure, they have rough times. Especially when other kids want to make fun and laugh at them. But they learn to accept it sooner and go on with their lives. This little boy has a very supportive mum too. She shows tough love and doesn't let him allow his handicap to hold him back. Truth be known, I learned a lot from this kid when I first started seeing him. This little boy lost his arm all the way up to his shoulder. A little nub just below his shoulder that was once his arm. But this kid is on a little league swim team and plays on the baseball team. As a pitcher. He was doing both before it all happened and he didn't let it keep him from continuing with the sports. It was his throwing arm that he lost so it took him a bit to get back in the game so to speak. His therapy is helping him strengthen that other arm. And we also do mental therapy as well. He's an incredible little boy.

After his session is done I see that it is time for me to meet Louis at the diner. But not only am I meeting Louis, but our parents too. My mum and Nialls mum. Before I do this, I wanna make sure I do it right. And that I have Maura's okay to take her sons hand in marriage. I want my mum there to make sure I have her support as well. No, we don't need permission. But to have a parents support makes it a lot easier and less stressful. Louis, being Nialls best mate, I want his approval as well..a long with a few tips or approval on how I want to do it.

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