Fixing Foxy (Part 1)

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The next day I run into the office and await for Bastian to get me and take me to Foxy. I was so eagar to meet him that Mike caught me bouncing up and down in my seat like a little child. After what was only minutes felt like hours and finally I decided to find him myself.
"(Y/n), Where are you going?" He whisper shouted, trying his best not to alarm any animatronics.
"To find Bastian, he's supposed to take me to someone," I turned to look at him, "Bastian is taking to long to mantain my patience." Without saying another word, I walk outta the office and to the Pirate cove. The starry purple curtain was closed so I opened it wide enough to slip my body through and close it back up because I didn't want Mike watching me. There I found Foxy sitting in a corner with Bastian. Crossing my arms I walk up to the two, "Blade, you said you'd get me, you know how Impatient I can get when I'm eagar!" Bastian's ears twitch upon saying his name. Foxy looks up at me with glowing yellow eyes. Foxy was everything Mike described him to be... except instead of harmful he looked completely harmless. I kneeled down in front of him and smiled, "Foxy, would you like to get to play with the kids too?" Instead of speaking, he simply nodded. "Heh, well I can fix you... do you mind if I just..." My voice trailed off as I touched his back. My touch caused him to flinch which surprised me at first but then made me giggle. I found Foxy kind of cute. He scoots up so I can get closer to him. Slowly I crawl behind him and begin to search for the problem. He was in amazing shape even after sitting behind the curtain all this time. That's when I noticed wires were cut and placed back in him roughly. Realizing this, the only right answer for what happened was someone was messing with him. "Foxy... you never meant to hurt anyone, did you? Did he do this?" He nods again. "Blade get me some wires and a pair of wire cutters. Maybe a screw driver or two. Don't forget a knife sharpner and some polish. If possible, a brand new eye patch?" Bastian runs off without another word.
Foxy, you'll be good as new soon.

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